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This user's image description contains 17 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.
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One part of me thinks that he's being romantic and sincere, the other part suspects this is just another one of his ploys for power.
Lovely Ursula has a rather unfathomable expression on her face in the last image.....is she about to burst into tears of joy, or is that another emotion entirely, like thinking about getting used to waking up every morning to that UGLY face? ^^
I sincerely question her, um....."taste" in men.
Thanks and cheers, my friend!
I have no control anymore, so not my fault!!!
Fantastic pics and so well staged, great facial expressions ... love it
Thoroughly enjoyed the read and the pics, Aok!
The face expressions are in particular impressive, and the light is great! And this last shot... Hehehe!
Edit: “Lord Liche Rides to Victory” what an excellent name! Adding it asap.
The good Doctor was surprisingly cooperative
There are moments that even the most megalomaniac villains can reach my feelings, look at those smiles, that bronze statue, I want to bake ...cookies...
Love it
Warn me before making posts like this!!!!!!
Excuse me while I clean my monitor...
...waits for Kim Jong Un follower mod
Seriously, Kim would fit perfectly in a CBBE body
Eeeewww....but imagine the bounce physics
Excuse me while I go throw up...
He needs to be extra careful now, after all, hell hath no fury like cookies burned
I guess TC could pop out of the cake...of course it may be crowded with Cicero in there...