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THIS, ladies and gentlemen is default skyrim water with Skyrim Reloaded managing it's shaders. How can you not use it? >.>

"..and are you aware I took this tree-lover sightseeing just so you could show off that water? And what do I get? Thalmor ambush. I mean, I didnt even do anything to them yet and already  got a hit."

And also a gypsy horse replacer because...fancy?

"So not feeling the love"

I also use vivid weathers +wild enb (0.119) Night eye works, underwater works, colors are pretty, sharpening not too much and night are dark. Never really was a fan of godrays, sunglares and dofs. Nicely compatible with skge with some ini edits on both.

"I will start to sing you know."

Which is really nice especially if you have oldish pc like me ^^

"And  tonight, audience, I leave you with first impression of image share:


  1. fuiery
    • supporter
    • 18 kudos
    Really cool. I hope to see what else people can come up with when it comes to using Skyrim Reloaded, just to show what it is capable of.
  2. lesjones
    • premium
    • 158 kudos
    That water looks beautiful, Aenya, "gin-clear" as they say!