The tale of the laughing fox part 50 - A new path for sorts most sly

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  1. Liadys
    • premium
    • 248 kudos
    It's good to be able to catch up some ! It's an amazing chapter, wonderfully written as always ! Sometime I just find myself captivated with how you knit the words into sentences rather then focusing on the story ( gives me an excuse to read it a second time ).
  2. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Wonderful and beautifully written chapter! Very atmospheric and love shots too. So great to see that Edrelle is going to continue her adventures and has wonderful idea of how to reform the Thieves Guild so they would return to their origins and stop being ruthless mercenary band that Mercer wanted to them to be. It was very heartwarming to see that Edrelle and plan was approved and so Riften nobles might be surprised by mischievous Laughing Fox and her team antics!
    Edrelle scenes with Dimitri are always a treat for me and it is always wonderful to see them being so playful and tender to each other and I hope all of Edrelle team will enjoy this well deserved respite.
    thank you very much for sharing your beautiful work!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Edrelle would be glad to hear you approve of her ideas for the guild, being the honorable thief she is she really wanted to steer the guild away from the path they were on under Mercer's leadership, to have the guild do some good for a chance. Edrelle was quite relieved that the other thieves took to her plan, the nobles of Skyrim as a whole should fear for their ill earned fortunes indeed
      I am happy you really enjoy those scenes with Edrelle and Dimitri, to see that playfulness and warmth between them, the whole band is sure to make the most of their respite.
      Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on the tale, Nataly
  3. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    This was a great continuation. I think edrelle's plan for the thieves guild will boost moral quite a bit if you ask me,.. Mercer was not the most capable of leaders to say the least.
    Also the last part between edrelle and Dimitri is very well written. I actually chuckled along , liking the way they treat eachother. Your group images are always a pleasure to behold, aswell as that last image. Great atmosphere in that raven flying towards the moon,..
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am delighted that you found this a great continuation, Janswin The thieves in the guild certainly did not feel valued by Mercer who cared nothing for them, Edrelle on the other hand cares about the guild and making it a force for good. I am glad you liked my writing of the part between Edrelle and Dimitri, that it made you chuckle along with them, they do have a warm and playful relationship. I always take the time to set up those group shots, it is great to hear they are a pleasure to behold. A moonlit night is not lacking in atmosphere especially with a raven around
  4. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    As always, I need a little bit time to read it completely ... and it was worthy spending the time ... as always
    You described so intensive with wunderful postic words allstations of the story. I especially ebjoyed the playful time, which have Edrelle and Dimitri, the upcoming bard, together
    You introduced us to follow Edrelle and her band into a new adventure and it seems, they have a big challenge. When I read your words, I have back in my mind the idea of Robin Hood and his companions ...I like the idea to rebuilt the guild in this way and I´m very curious, how they will start it

    I love the last picture and the "watching over you" idea , but who is the mother?
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      It is great to hear that the read was worth the time you put into it, Blackmaid :-) I am really glad you enjoyed reading about the time Edrelle and Dimitri shared and the poetic words in the story. They are sure to find quite a few new adventures on the new path they have chosen for the guild, they aren't exactly sure how they will start it all but Edrelle does have some ideas
      I am happy you really like that last image and the idea of the watchful eyes in the night sky. The mother is Edrelle's mother Katell, to thank her for her help in the past Kynareth had promised to watch over Edrelle for her.
    2. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Thank you for the info about the mother and Kynareth ... now I will understand in future. when the bird appears again
  5. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Great to see a new chapter my friend!! Fantastic work with such a large group.
    I especially loved the playfulness between Edrelle and Dimitri at the end. And wondering what (I assume) Nocturnal is up to?? Fantastic work Kami!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Took me a little while to start this chapter, was good to finally share it. It is indeed a bit of a challenge to wrangle such a large group for shots but I have become better at it. I am delighted that you enjoyed those playful moments between Edrelle and Dimitri, was quite happy with how I wrote that part. Nocturnal was simply curious about the path of one she has enjoyed watching. Thanks a bunch my friend
  6. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 881 kudos
    Grim whole hardheartedly agrees with these proposed changes by Edrelle :-) A masterful plan. Also a good way to convince them by indicating they would be beholden to no one. I see thieves as an independent lot who do not like to bow down to anyone, least of all nobles. Tis also true that the plying of information is a very wealthy trade as well - as information is not only about wealth but power as well.

    Some wonderful pictures here of the team as they made the way through the city and to the Cistern - great group shots with some very nice colors that fit the city well. I hope her bold plan pays off well for her, her friends, and the guild. Lastly it was a very warm ending with Edrelle and Dimitri and it is always a pleasure to see those two light-hearted companions enjoying each others company.
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Edrelle is very glad to hear that Grim agrees with the changes she wants to make to the guild and that you find it a masterful plan, Jonathan :-) They did seem quite unhappy about being beholden to Maven under Mercer's leadership, Edrelle knew they would prefer not to answer to any outside the guild, especially to ones who do not understand thieves and give them tasks that do not challenge their skills like nobles tend to do. Information does have quite a bit of power, in good hands it can stop those who are quite ruthless in their ambitions.

      It is great to hear you found them images of them walking the city streets - the hues of the evening sun do look particularly nice in Riften in particular, matching those fall leaves. I think her plan might work out quite well, with the help of friends and the guild all looking out for each other. I had a lot of fun writing about the time they shared together and it makes me smile that you like to see them share those moments
  7. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 277 kudos
    Amazing chapter, interested to see how the changes for the guild do, seems the Fox and her group have thought this though and have some great new ideas...... Lovely shots each and everyone one, so great to see a new chapter , enjoyed very much over coffee
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      It is great to hear you think so, I think the guild can only do well with the changes after the bad luck it had before, Edrelle did spend quite a bit of time thinking on her plan since she began sharing leadership of the guild, sharing ideas Honey Stripes and Tacita to see what they thought. I am happy you enjoyed the shots and the story as an accompaniment to your coffee, Shelley
  8. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,113 kudos
    Great story and captures that speak too
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Many thanks, Ista, I am glad the images tell the tale along with the words