Other glimpses of happenings in the city of thieves

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  1. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    It is cool that Edrelle tale had so many chapters and it was very beautiful how the 50 chapter has ended... on optimistic and heartwarming note with a possibility for continuation!
    It sure was amazing and wonderful adventure telling Edrelle tale filled with danger, love, warmth and mischief with very heartwarming moments, unexpected twists, beautiful scenery and words describing all the beauty of Skyrim world!

    Thank you very much for sharing such awesome and beautiful work and it was great pleasure to follow Edrelle big arc story and also it is very heartwarming to know that you still plan on writing more stories about her!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Has been quite a journey to reach as many chapters as the tale did, seems so long ago that I started the first chapter. I did really want to leave the tale at a good point that left that potential for further adventure with them sharing some restful time before setting the plans for the guild in motion, I am very glad you like how I ended that chapter ^^
      It means a lot to me that you have found it a wonderful adventure that path of Edrelle through the lands of Skyrim with great friends at her side, facing danger, sharing warm moments, walking through that scenery I so enjoy describing

      I have really appreciated the thoughts, the kind and encouraging words you have shared throughout the tale, Nataly. Fond as I am of Edrelle and her bands I could not let her tale end completely, there are still some things I want to tell
  2. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    I really like that clean top down look to the city of thieves. Wonderful lighting here with the dark night and the lantern as well.

    50 is an excellent chapter to end on I think! You are doing what I did I think, and Nataly for that matter as well. You reach a point where you have to finally conclude ... unless you want to turn into the Simpsons

    I only wish I had concluded more smoothly with Grim - I never should have started the werewolf chronicles with him and still regret it. I felt bad that everyone didn't want to see Grim retired and I let that go against my better judgement as I knew was just burnt out on the huge stories and books. I had a perfect ending with him at the end of book 4 - almost dies but rescued thanks to Wolfgar, Erik, Freya, and Hircine. He then retires to heal and recover with Erik and Wolfgar at Dusk Cabin.

    Army of Darkness allowed for a nice short appearance as well and should have focused on short stories with him which is what I am doing now. I ended up having to abort the Werewolf Chronicles (although I really liked the idea of it) as I just couldn't handle the time investment and work of such a huge production. Maybe that is what you are feeling a little of now. Anyhow I deleted all those stories and redacted his others - but best when you don't have to do that in the first place.

    Now I am just doing short stories - with Grim, with Fenn, with Wolf ... just easier. At least I can set them all in the same "world" that I created for Grim.

    I hope your team gets some rest and you have a chance to do some short stories and image sets with them in a more casual and relaxed way for you - such as when the mood or muse hits. It might also be cool to see a short story on some of the other characters in Edrelle's team as well.

    Thanks for all the wonderful memories! I have always loved Edrelle for being a thief like Grim (and like Fenn shall be) - the adventuresome fun kind not really interested in hurting others but instead enjoying the challenge and adventure (and if robbing from the rich can also help some of the poor all the better).
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am glad you very much like that top down view of Riften, does have some nice illumination from above with that mix of moonlight and warm firelight.

      50 is a nice round number and it was the goal I had set for myself to reach and tie up a few threads of the tale and leave it at a good point, one does have to do so at some point

      One does like to share more of the stories of a character they are fond of and it does make a little tough to bring that larger tale to some kind of ending even when one is starting to feel burnt out. I was indeed starting to feel burnt out writing the longer chapters of Edrelle's tale, the complexity of them causing me a little stress.

      It is nice to continue with short stories in the world you crafted for a larger tale. Edrelle and her band are sure to get some nice respite and I am sure to write some short stories, have some ideas of events I want to write some short stories about eventually. I did think about focusing on certain characters in Edrelle's group for those short stories, sharing a little bit more about them.

      It puts a smile on my face that I provided you some fond memories with my tale, Jonathan. I am fond of how Edrelle and Grim are very similar roguish sorts as well - Edrelle certainly enjoys the challenge and adventure as well as causing some trouble for arrogant nobles

  3. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 329 kudos
    I always adore your skill to manage such a large group of actors as to be seen in the second pics. I will follow your short stories too, because I like your world

    The main pic is a fantastic and unusal view ofpver Riften ... looks great
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      It is wonderful to hear you really like how I manage such a large band of sly ones, luckily I have gotten better at setting them up in a scene since the group first started getting larger. Edrelle will be happy to hear you will keep following her adventures as I am that you like the world I created in my tales, Blackmaid
      Riften seems to work well for views from above, many thanks
  4. Excellentium
    • member
    • 354 kudos
    I really like night shots from Riften when they're able to provide the true feeling of a "thief town". This overlook image of yours does just that, Alex! One easily get the sense of gangs sneaking up on victims or perhaps to combat out some rivalry among themselves as the mist rolls in over the canals and the wooden streets...

    Wonderful capture!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am really glad you find that the bird's eye view of those moonlit streets captures some of that feeling of it being a city of thieves, there certainly are many shadows and mist for a roguish sort to hide in though one would have to be careful not to let those weathered timbers creak underfoot.

      Thank you very much, Excellentium