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This user's image description contains 16 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. vandal888
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    This is the first time I've ever commented on anything on Nexus. I generally browse for mods and images. I have to say, I keep seeing amazingly beautiful images and they always seem to be from your hand. Your female characters have a grace, an elegance and beauty that is consistent across the board. I assume that based on your screen name you are a woman modder, and it shows in your selection of outfits, the poses they hold, and most especially in what they don't show. They are dressed for their worldspace. There's a sensuality with some of them but not a sluttiness, and not a lot of skin. That's really refreshing; Most female mods I see would die from exposure!

    Anyway, I feel like, as a body of work, your characters are my favorites in all of Nexus, and my compliments to you for an amazing collection!
    1. misslexi
      • premium
      • 437 kudos
      Wow. I really don't know what to say here! I'll start with thank you. This is a truly generous and thoughtful comment. I don't enjoy uber skimpy or naked personally. I have friends who do gorgeous artistic nudes or shadowy vamps in skimpy stuff ( comes to mind - I just really don't do any of that well It's nice to hear from someone who appreciates my aesthetic, I think the 'nekkid' stuff is generally more popular. so truly, Thank you, and thank you for taking time to add your thoughts!
    2. vandal888
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      I appreciate, misslexi your getting back to me so promptly. I'm glad you like my comment. I tried to keep it as short as possible (I can get wordy) but it really does express my appreciation for your talent! i can, at a glance, tell when it's your work, because it's so stunning!

      Thank you
  2. bernard54
    • member
    • 62 kudos
    Just awesome!I'm so glad that you are still postng here on Nexus...otherwise....I will stay for a while.
    1. misslexi
      • premium
      • 437 kudos
      I'm happy you liked this one dear - and please stay!!!
  3. trg1894
    • premium
    • 102 kudos
    A magnificent set of a very beautiful female!
    1. misslexi
      • premium
      • 437 kudos
      Aww, thanks trg1894! That's really too generous of you!
  4. respaldoshugo
    • member
    • 171 kudos
    It would seem that you would have used paintbrushes for the delicacy of the lines and the softness of the light. I am really impressed with this subtle and wonderful work, full of charm and magic. A marvel, Lexi.
    1. misslexi
      • premium
      • 437 kudos
      LOL! All compliments for light, etc. should go to Kyo and Kountervibe!
      Thank you for you kindness my dear friend! Happy you liked these!
    2. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 171 kudos
      I have not had the pleasure of meeting Mr./Mrs. Kyo or Mr./Mrs. Kountervibe. Would you be kind enough to tell me who they are? And what participation do they have in such an excellent result of this set?
    3. misslexi
      • premium
      • 437 kudos
    4. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 171 kudos
      A really nice ENB, and a great artist who knows how to use it very well.
  5. XxADKxX
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    She is the kind of Nord you would find in the Thalmor Embassy... XD

    Pretty as always Misslexi! Love your work!
    1. misslexi
      • premium
      • 437 kudos
      LOL! No - no more Thalmor's for a while unless aok has some sort of emergency!
      Thanks - glad you enjoyed!