Underwater - proper values

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  1. TheForkOnTheLeft
    • member
    • 146 kudos
    that's SKGE isn't it?
    I have a similar set up with my ENB too.
    1. lucidstorm1
      • member
      • 198 kudos
      yes I managed to make it work with watercolor for enb as well, values on my page lucid's realistic preset
    2. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 146 kudos
      I did the same, well similar is more like it. The underwater at night is as dark as i would like though. I tried making it work but but balancing it out for night and day only has just so much room.
    3. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 146 kudos
      Here, take a look. I did this some time ago too. I love SKGE's extra little effects. They work wonders if done just right.

    4. lucidstorm1
      • member
      • 198 kudos
      Indeed looks similar, all effects seems working, I just need to check one thing. BTW. do you receive light shafts from enb with SKGE? Not the ones you see affecting the ground just the shafts perpendicular and cutting the water like a \ or | line
    5. TheForkOnTheLeft
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      • 146 kudos
      I use both underwater from ENB and SKGE together. MAke sure to set Speedhack to "false" So they work together. Idk if you know that. I'm sure you do. And by lightshafts do you mean the underwater caustics? I know if you set them high enough that they will make underwater lighting mush nicer but your character will have the tiling effect on them due to engine limitation. Well that's the the author told me.
      You can grab my SKGE optional file and take a look at what I did if you like.
    6. TheForkOnTheLeft
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      • 146 kudos
      I also noticed that ENBs underwater surface looks better than SKGE. But SKGE adds that little extra murkiness to the water making it have volume. I would also suggest making sure that in Skyrimreloaded.ini file in your SKSE folder has the line:

      EnableWater = 0

      If its on your water and underwater from SKGE will mix badly. I tested this for awhile and there is almost no middle ground.
    7. lucidstorm1
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      • 198 kudos
      yes I know about speed hack but I don't set it to what author wants and all works no prob. Speed hack is ought to stay
      one bug I receive though is shadow cast from me (PC) become rectangular white between 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. dunno why yet

      yes I have that set about water, this is how they work nicely, but I wonder if water shaft from enb is disabled: the perpedicular line I mean like the ones from the sun passing through sky
    8. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 146 kudos
      maybe you should make a shot and post in on here. Maybe someone will know.


      My image here shows the tiling effect that I was talking about for underwater on your character.
    9. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 146 kudos
      You are using this for enderal too right? That's awesome if you are. If anything maybe its just enderal itself? But I wouldn't know for sure until I see for myself
      (hint* hint* post an image lol)
    10. lucidstorm1
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      • 198 kudos
      I'd try to put speed hack back on, paired with custome memory values in crash fixes, I have mine set to 86 and no ctd so far with sse mods in oldrim this is how u get best script usage at about 95%

      bug I believe is skge related, dunno for sure, both for enderal this looks and oldrim, the rectangulkar shape of my shadow in the night, I guess I'd disable shadows cast from me altogheter
    11. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 146 kudos
      ? oh you are doing something else lol Mine is just super simple but requires more files like ENB files i made that work with SKGE and my personal settings of SKGE to work with my ENB lol
      I'm more than sure you will find the perfect value and settings to work flawlessly. I wouldn't know because I'm not that advanced in all of this lmao.
      Wonderful effort by the way.
  2. neoforte52
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    What values did you change to get it to look that way? Mine is either far too murky or way too clear, but this is incredible! Koodos!
    1. lucidstorm1
      • member
      • 198 kudos
      on my page lucid realistic preset, see tip to have nordic underwater

      tip number 5)
  3. lucidstorm1
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    • 198 kudos
    aim towards realism and how water would affect your eyes