Would anybody download her - How does she look now

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  1. Ironmind91
    • premium
    • 26 kudos
    She's stunning. Just about everyone here will wan to change something, beauty is a subjective thing. I think you should leave her as is.
    1. NerevarII
      • supporter
      • 40 kudos
      Thank you, and you are right
  2. NeoNord
    • supporter
    • 50 kudos
    She is quite attractive but since you asked how she might be improved here are some thoughts. The cheeks are a little too chubby and her lower lip protrudes a bit too much. The eye make-up is a bit problematic , I like the color and it emphasizes her eyes there is just a little too much of it. The eyes are beautiful but she appears a tad cross eyed. Perhaps widen her irises a bit. Her chin is somewhat pointed and I would broaden it a bit. These can all be done easily in racemenu with the exception of the eye makeup. I am not sure if there is any control for how much area it covers in racemenu or CK, maybe someone else knows. As to the facial expressions, they can be done different ways and there are some controls in racemenu but there is a mod on nexus specifically for that I believe (Female Facial Expressions or something like that). Nice work though and in answer to your question, whether I would download her or not, I would want to know what she does (mage, warrior, healer, druid, thief,assassin etc. ) and her voice and her AI. I usually don't add a follower just as eye candy though I know there are probably many who do. If you just want to concentrate on looks that's ok but I would rather see your efforts go into replacing some of the existing characters that are not well done.
    1. NerevarII
      • supporter
      • 40 kudos
      Wow thank you for the reply. Everything you suggested I will keep in mind before release. You helped me see some things I had trouble seeing. Loke looking at her, I can tell something is off, and you helped point some of it out. In my own subjective opinion, she looks a lot better than her blue haired duck face look lol.

      And thank you for the other tips on expressions, ill look into that!

      I do want to make an epic follower but i dont have time to learn how :p
    • premium
    • 99 kudos
    She's missing some more facial expression.
    1. NerevarII
      • supporter
      • 40 kudos
      Any tips on how to improve that?