Idea for Woodcutter Skill tree for Frostfall

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The Perks explained in order with the numbers in the picture:
(1) Bushwacker:
Rank #1 : You can now chop down and de-branch: Reach and Tundra trees, as well as fallen trees.
Rank #2 : You can now chop bushes, shrubs, Reach, Tundra and fallen trees 25% faster
Rank #3 : You can now de-branch bushes, shrubs, Reach, Tundra and fallen trees 25% faster
Rank #4 : You can now chop AND de-branch bushes, shrubs, Reach, Tundra and fallen trees 35% faster
Rank #5 : You can now chop AND de-branch bushes, shrubs, Reach, Tundra and fallen trees 45% faster
(2) Green Horn:
Rank #1 : You can now chop down and de-branch Aspen trees.
(3) Lumberjack:
Rank #1 : You can now chop down and de-branch Fir/Pine trees.
From this point it branches into 2 main paths. One for Aspen trees and the other for Fir/Pine Trees. Iwill start with the lefts side. The
Aspen side.
(4) Aspen Axe-Man:
Rank #1 : You can now chop down Aspen trees 15% faster.
Rank #2 : You can now chop down Aspen trees 25% faster.
Rank #3 : You can now chop down Aspen trees 35% faster.
Rank #4 : You can now chop down Aspen trees 45% faster.
(5) Branching Out - Aspens:
Rank #1 : You can now de-branch Aspen trees 10% faster.
Rank #2 : You can now de-branch Aspen trees 20% faster.
Rank #3 : You can now de-branch Aspen trees 30% faster.
(6) Destructive Deforestation - Aspens:
Rank #1 : You can now use flames spell to chop down Aspen trees.
Rank #2 : You can now use flames spell to chop down Aspen trees 15% faster.
Rank #3 : You can now use flames spell to chop down Aspen trees 25% faster.
Rank #4 : You can now use flames spell to chop down Aspen trees 35% faster.
Rank #5 : You can now use flames spell to chop down Aspen trees 45% faster.
(7) Destructive De-Branching - Aspens:
Rank #1 : You can now use flames spell to de-branch Aspen trees.
Rank #2 : You can now use flames spell to de-branch Aspen trees 10% faster.
Rank #3 : You can now use flames spell to de-branch Aspen trees 20% faster.
Rank #4 : You can now use flames spell to de-branch Aspen trees 30% faster.
That finishes up the Aspen branch of the skill tree.The top spot # 12 will be saved for last. It will be used for setting different amounts
of what you can harvest from trees. More on Perk #12 later. Nest up is
the Fir or Pine tree branch of the Skill Tree. They will be of same
effect as the Aspen side just for Fir trees.
( 8)) Douglas Domination:
Rank #1 : You can now chop down Fir/Pine trees 15% faster.
Rank #2 : You can now chop down Fir/Pine trees 25% faster.
Rank #3 : You can now chop down Fir/Pine trees 35% faster.
Rank #4 : You can now chop down Fir/Pine trees 45% faster.
(9) Branching Out - Fir/Pine:
Rank #1 : You can now de-branch Fir/Pine trees 10% faster.
Rank #2 : You can now de-branch Fir/Pine trees 20% faster.
Rank #3 : You can now de-branch Fir/Pine trees 30% faster.
(10) Destructive Deforestation - Fir/Pine:
Rank #1 : You can now use flames spell to chop down Fir/Pine trees.
Rank #2 : You can now use flames spell to chop down Fir/Pine trees 15% faster.
Rank #3 : You can now use flames spell to chop down Fir/Pine trees 25% faster.
Rank #4 : You can now use flames spell to chop down Fir/Pine trees 35% faster.
Rank #5 : You can now use flames spell to chop down Fir/Pine trees 45% faster.
(11) Destructive De-Branching - Fir/Pine :
Rank #1 : You can now use flames spell to de-branch Fir/Pine trees.
Rank #2 : You can now use flames spell to de-branch Fir/Pine trees 10% faster.
Rank #3 : You can now use flames spell to de-branch Fir/Pine trees 20% faster.
Rank #4 : You can now use flames spell to de-branch Fir/Pine trees 30% faster.