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This user's image description contains 21 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. User_6005213
    • account closed
    • 200 kudos
    Mustn't be easy with all these girls, I appreciate the effort with the poses
    1. Gman749
      • supporter
      • 386 kudos
      Thanks! Jaxons Positioner made it much easier
  2. ThorinWolfson
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    I already surrender! They don't have to rise a single finger against me.
    I know what they're capable of. And I don't want to end like the draugrs.
    And since they're all together now, the world like we know it will end - or at least never be the same.

    Great work. They look awesome.
    Siv's hair is a bit more pinkish-purpleish ... whatever. Interesting colour.
    1. Gman749
      • supporter
      • 386 kudos
      Thanks Thorin I was having issues with RaceMenu for some reason and constantly had to reset Siv's hair color, and at times I couldn't even adjust it manually. Kind of a pain :/

      I am really starting to enjoy having these ladies together, probably not gonna have all five at once very often as it's a handful in tight spaces, but I will mix and match
  3. arghTease
    • premium
    • 212 kudos
    love the burgundy hair on Siv. oh and very partial to the one on the right.
    Karthspire will never be the same. Haha
    1. Gman749
      • supporter
      • 386 kudos
      They ripped the Forsworn a new one, I'll tell you that

      And yeah, Tangerine is a badass, she was in the middle of everything lol.

      If you find Siv's hair color changing it's because RaceMenu was being wonky during my playthrough, not sure why.
  4. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 253 kudos
    Is that fun or what. Lots of sexy armors here, I like.
    1. Gman749
      • supporter
      • 386 kudos
      Thank you! My favorites are Siv, Kasia and Jai's sets but I have tons of armors I'm using lol
  5. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,144 kudos
    They all look great Eric and ready for anything that comes their way
    1. Gman749
      • supporter
      • 386 kudos
      Thank you Izzy! Like my title says this group is unstoppable, It was shocking how well they worked together, only issue is Freya seems to use magic alot and she's NOT supposed to be a mage! :p
  6. StilwaterSaint
    • premium
    • 81 kudos
    Nice pic !

    What a beautiful team you have assembled !!
    1. Gman749
      • supporter
      • 386 kudos
      Thanks There's still a need for a dedicated mage, I need to get on that lol.
  7. trg1894
    • premium
    • 102 kudos
    Awesome images!!
    1. Gman749
      • supporter
      • 386 kudos
      Thank you!
  8. derek98
    • member
    • 101 kudos
    Great stuff Eric!
    1. Gman749
      • supporter
      • 386 kudos
      Thanks Derek! There were a few small issues with Familiar Faces, but for the most part it worked really really well. Five characters is alot though, we were tearing thru dragons like nothing. It's not a great mod if you want a challenge lol
  9. Krysos1962
    • member
    • 141 kudos
    Fantastic Five, Eric? Nice Set with Fullpower!
    1. Gman749
      • supporter
      • 386 kudos
      Haha Thank you! The superhero vibe is exactly what I was aiming for, the Avengers theme was stuck in my head the whole time I was playing