Fenn in Whiterun

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  1. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    Wonderful set with very nice shots of Fenn!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Thanks - He can be very charming when he wants to be
  2. ColonolNutty
    • premium
    • 242 kudos
    Is it me or is he a tiny person, compared to that wine bottle
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Lol well he has the persona of the Thistle King, a small Fey creature similar to Puck from Shakespeare and is only a few inches tall in that form. But here it is more a mix of a large bottle and optical illusion. Although he isn't a large man - his scale in the game is set to 0.95 in size. So probably a little over 5 feet tall.
    2. ColonolNutty
      • premium
      • 242 kudos
      Glass bottle helmet armor
  3. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 179 kudos
    Good morning, I'm here to crush anything in my way. Nice set Jonathan.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Thanks! Although he is a little short. I was in the TG last night and they all stood about a foot higher except for a couple.
    2. PatrickTheDM
      • premium
      • 179 kudos
      You'd never think that from these shots.
  4. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    Very nice shots of Fenn in the glowing warmth of the tavern lighting, I have always liked Grim and will always see him as your main character, but Fenn does have a certain charm and approachibillity to him which is maybe why you seem to be using a lot of him at the moment. with Grim being 7-8ft he's not the most approachable of people not matter how nice he is
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Thanks Corfus! Aye I also consider Grim my main but the plus with Fenn is that he is part of Grim's world. While he isn't Fenrir directly he serves as Fenrir's avatar and Grim knows this. Plus Fenrir plays heavily in Fenn's world which means Grim is around as well. Grim is 2.52984 meters tall (8'3" ) so aye he is a giant.

      It was fun to have Grim out in the short story I did as a cross-over with Isleens character. I can't seem to get away from his world anyhow - but it is nice to play another character, especially one so closely tied to Fenrir yet not his son. I suppose in a way Fenn would be a sort of brother to Grim considering he was created by Fenrir and Kynareth.

      Big Brother Grim ... has a nice sound to it
  5. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 335 kudos
    So, he is ready ... great pics, all together. I like the view from above to the inn and the last with this determind look
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Thanks Heiki - aye enjoying playing him and having some fun in Skyrim.
  6. Farvat
    • premium
    • 302 kudos
    Great shots, Jon. Fenn is really a great male character. I'm going to follow his adventure to Riften.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Thanks Fabrizio.

      I wish I had sat down and created Fenn's lore and plots carefully like I did Grim's many years ago. Writing Grim was much easier to keep consistent (although once or twice I had to tweak the lore a bit) as I had a very clear plot line through 3 books for him (the 4th was like an expansion lol). So I knew what he was doing, his past and future, identity and all that.

      Fenn was created in FO4 based on Fenrir needing to get away as two alpha wolves trying to run things wasn't going to work, among other reasons. Also my excuse in my own head to provide some cross-over. But a lot was done on the fly. Me just day dreaming and thinking of things over the last year or so on the characters and the two worlds ... and my own book idea. So all three things (Grim's world, my book world, and the FO world) got mixed in.

      Not surprisingly the lore got changed a lot. So currently trying to tweak it all to make it more consistent and coherent. None of it makes any real sense but then as you know I like my high fantasy with a light adventure style ... versus your much more in-depth writing with a deeper philosophical slant.

      I haven't been able to play Fenn in Skyrim because of this though. In FO4 I got it all nailed down. But could not figure out how I wanted to handle Fenn in Skyrim for many reasons. I think I finally nailed down my approach and have created a one book plot outline for Fenn ... along with some issues he will have to face such as Fenrir subtlety guiding him behind the scenes to lead the TG and Nocturnal's involvement. But if curious on that read my reply to Erwin as I wrote out my basic thoughts on the matter.

      All just fun. Work is a complete hassle now and very stressful. Home life is okay but hard at times and dealing with a lot mentally. So doing some light hearted high fantasy in my gaming helps keep my mind from obsessing too much on things I have little control over.
    2. Farvat
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      A rich explanation about Fenn and understanding your situation. I'm glad you chose to find an outlet in writing, and I never found your stories, deprived of depth. In fact, you put a lot of effort and you're really exemplary. I'm sorry I followed unless the Fallout 4 setting, but I find it difficult to orient myself, but I liked your inclusion of Lovecraftian myths in the story.
  7. SyddSpartan
    • supporter
    • 122 kudos
    Great shots Jon, I am a bit surprised by that last shot, does this mean Fenn can change sizes? Also love his outfit selection, wonder who he'll meet in Riften.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Thanks Josh. Not sure what you mean unless you are referring to the comments by two others. He is scaled at 0.95 so there is no size changing (other than his alter ego as the Thistle King ... which per my comment to Erwin in this post you can see has been recently removed). Its an optical illusion of I think of the shot and the fact that the jug is very large.

      As for Riften ... well I outlined the his goals and plot to Erwin but in general he will meet Thrynn and Bryn. He will be subtlety guided I suspect to become guild leader there.
  8. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 277 kudos
    Great shots, Fenn does look small next to the table and the glasses.
    1. ista3
      • premium
      • 1,140 kudos
      I agree with you Shelley
    2. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Thanks Shelley. He is small but not that small lol - scale is 0.95. Maybe closer in size to Blue if I recall.
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Many thanks Izzy!
  9. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    A trickster who has to put in hard labor in order to craft equipment ? That is quite a Nice gesture of him, since I believe he has a lot of means to get it in another way,..
    It' s Nice you found a Way incorporate Fenn into skyrim, that Will surely help to get more into gameplay with him. Very cool shots of him also,.. like the one with the thief outfit. It suits his nature quite Well.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Well he isn't an evil trickster - more a cross between Errol Flynn, Robin Hood, Puck, and Captain Jack Black ... I want his personality to be like those archetypes. He can do hard work although only when really needed. He wasn't going to steal or trick the residents of Riverwood out of their belongings (although he did help himself to a lot of Gerdur's supplies since they were freely given ... and perhaps he sneaked out a few extra bottles of mead but don't tell anyone that).

      In general the idea is just adjusting the direction of the lore I was creating. Fenrir comes to Skyrim, creates Fenn in much the way he did in FO4 ... the only difference being here Fenrir can use magic so he didn't have to use the existing body of a super soldier per my FO lore. Instead He used his own blood mixed with substance of Nirn itself to create the body and Kyne gave it life with her breath. His body grew and was trained in the Twilight Forest that is Fenrir's home between Oblivion and Nirn. He then placed his spirit in the body when he came to Nirn.

      But, as he feared, what happened in the other plane of reality known as the Fallout Universe happened here ... The body took on a life of its own. Fenrir suspected this would happen because he removed his own memories from the body and thus gave it a chance to develop its own mind ... and so Fenrir decided to give his creation a small bit of his own spirit/soul in the hopes that it would grow and Fenn would seek his own identity. His alter-ego, the Thistle King (which Fenn had the ability to shape change into), Fenrir split off and assumed for himself.

      This brings me up to the current time period. Fenn is on his own. He is still mortal (meaning he can be killed) even if he wasn't born from human parents. His life comes from the woods and the trees, the wind and the sky, and the blood of beasts.

      Fenrir will watch over the world, for now, as the Thistle King. As for the little wolf pup - he is just that although Fenrir can "possess" the wolf if needed and act through him.

      As for who will be Fenn's companion? It will most likely be Thrynn once he gets into the guild ... one reason he is headed to the Rift.

      On a side not this plays nicely into Fenrir's trickster spirit and his deal with Nocturnal. He promised Nocturnal, as Fenn, in return for her aid with Grim, he would lead the guild. The fact that Fenn is no longer the same as Fenrir doesn't change the fact that "Fenn" will seek to lead the guild. I suspect Fenrir will be subtley guiding him in that direction. Perhaps Nocturnal might cause interference.

      It makes for an interesting plot as Fenn doesn't know any of this ... yet Fenrir wants him to lead the guild so he can satisfy Nocturnals contract and get out of it himself. Nocturnal probably doesn't care either way as she just wants a competent leader ... but she may be be irked at being tricked or just find it amusing to play wits with Fenrir (hard to know with Nocturnal) and may make things more challenging for Fenn.

      So it gives me a goal for Fenn plus a variety of plot hooks on what is happening behind the scenes.
  10. Darksaber87
    • supporter
    • 102 kudos
    Awesome set, Jonathan. I really like that third image from the bottom.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 896 kudos
      Thanks - I like the green in it although the shot was taken at the final room in BFB.