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This user's image description contains 8 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. TheForkOnTheLeft
    • member
    • 145 kudos
    Whoa! Your word walls capture looks insane!!
    Is that rustic word walls?
    Great set dude.
    1. K00L
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      Thanks! Your ENB certainly helps!

      My MO is kinda a mess, I just mash my texture mods into a single .zip so I don't have so much clutter in there. Hard to remember what I have anymore.
      Oops, actually just as I was about to give up, I found it in my download history. It's Northfire's Dungeons.

      Totally forgot I had that. I wasn't sure I liked the skull thing at first, but it looks really cool in the dark like this.
      Edit: Also glad you asked because I apparently forgot to endorse it. :o
    2. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 145 kudos
      id you adjust some stuff? I could't tell if it was mine or not(I wouldn't be upset either lol).

      It's all cool man. I would prefer some images being posted on that mod page more than anything.

      And I will check that out. I just want the word walls really. I use Vivid Dungeons.

      I tend to do the same with Some cloud, moon, stars, grass, and tree textures That I place into one Archive to make it easy for me to uninstall.
    3. K00L
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      Hmm, I don't remember adjusting anything, but I was using the older version (without SKGE).
      I'm gonna get the SKGE version running, I'll share some images there when I do.
    4. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 145 kudos
      Ohh okay. Lol
      That's probably why I didn't fully recognize it lol.
      SKGE isn't entirely required. It's mostly if you want the game to have additional effects and to look a little better.
      But this new update in working on with the new ENB binaries and SKGE update 2.1 makes the shadows look so good.
    5. K00L
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      Yeah I've been looking at the images you've been posting, and it looks fantastic.
      I'm not sure why I wasn't using your newer version. I know was at one point because I remember having SKGE. I don't really know where it went. lol
    6. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 145 kudos
      Yeah dude. You can obviously just take your time considering that I'm still working on the update.
      I just uploaded a quick video of some game play of my current update progress and the rain weather that was present.

      If you wanna take a look at it.