Short tales of one sly as a fox - Illusions and thoughts shared among gilded leaves

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  1. SanTaCee
    • member
    • 22 kudos
    Wonderful colors, fantastic shots and tale
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Thank you very much, glad you enjoyed shots and tale
  2. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Wonderful story and very beautiful, lovely and heartwarming shots! I always adore Edrelle and Dimitri pair and their playful banter along with their loving relationship.
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      It is great to hear both story and shots had warmth and beauty to them and that you adore the playful banter between Edrelle and Dimitri, Nataly, I am fond of writing about them
  3. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    The Thalmor may appear to be leaving. But looks may be deceiving. As is ever the nature of the Thalmor.

    I love the playful little trick with the fox!

    Great to see your tale continues on!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      The Thalmor are insidious indeed and for that reason the guild has been keeping a close eye on them with the help of Honey Stripes and Tuine.

      I am delighted that you loved that trick Edrelle played on her dear archer, she is fond of weaving the illusion of foxes that one

      There are still things that I want to tell about Edrelle and her friends
  4. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 329 kudos
    This reading was excellent ... I like the mood you painted for us ... quite, relaxed, so full of harmony between this outstanding couple. You are able to transform with yor writing the golden earthy pictures into pure poetry ...
    ...and ... you really make me tensed who will be the new member of this family ...
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am happy this story made for a good read and that you liked the mood of it with that closeness and warmth between Edrelle and Dimitri, they did have a peaceful time watching the sunset. I always like describing that fall forest, it inspires poetic words
      Glad you are curious about that new member of their unusual family
  5. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    Nice bit of interaction between Dimitri and Edrelle they seem to have a good relationship and bonding between them which you portray very well with you excellent writing skills, didn't spot any typo's it unlike my writing efforts :p
    very nice set and your characters always look great with your own unique touch
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      They do have a very loving relationship, that they share a similar sense of humor and fondness for a little mischief is part of what makes them close, it means a lot that you think I portray that relationship between them so well. Typos still slip into my writing from time even when I re-read a story before posting it, my finger seems to have a mind of their own sometimes when typing
      Many thanks, Corfus, I am glad my characters have that unique touch
  6. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    I start to sense a bit more about the direction of the guild now I think. Edrelle is using the guild to sow some chaos among the warring factions of Skyrim and in return gaining some wealth in the process - so a win for her and a win for the guild so far. I liked the idea of the Thalmor and the Nobles being cautions else they become a target of the guild.

    Yet the flip side of that is should the guild become a large enough thorn the nobles may push for action. Perhaps the Empire might push back saying that the guild is helping to fight the Thalmor in a way that they can't and hence only make a token gesture of hunting down the guild members or trying to control them. This could also work if the Thalmor turn to the Empire asking them to enforce the treaty.

    As for the Thalmor ... well they might also push back and on their end there would not be a lot that would stop them beyond the fact that it might be hard to track the thieves down ... although they could target the base in Riften.

    Beyond that intrigue I enjoyed the idea of Edrelle keeping her magic skills sharp and the wonderful descriptions of her illusions and how they were part of the natural world around her. A cool way for one to practice.

    Not to mention the adorable banter and love play between her and Dimitri - a fun little meeting between them and I hope they have many more sunsets to enjoy.
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Edrelle is being very careful about just how much chaos she sows between those factions, she wants them in a state of unease about moving against each other, while the guild is doing that, Akhaz'iir is making efforts to ease tensions between the two factions while the truce he forged between them on the peak of the Throat of the world still stands, trying to make people see how unwise the war is, a challenging task.

      Edrelle and Tacita have been choosing very carefully which nobles to steal from to have the most effect in dissuading the others to work with the Thalmor, finding out which has a scheme in motion, or is closest to putting a scheme into motion. My thinking is that those nobles who aren't targeted are glad not to be and keep quiet so as not to risk becoming a target, the guild is using their tendency for selfishness against them. Though one or a few nobles might ask the empire for action, with a war in the midst of a fragile pause they would not have much pull.

      The Thalmor are more of an issue though even they are unsure who exactly is disrupting their plans in Skyrim, Honey Stripes, being very good at being elusive, has created a new band of thieves whose name has been spreading across Skyrim, a band that has been less discrete in their actions against the Thalmor, essentially a false target for the Thalmor to chase run by a few very skilled thieves to mask the more subtle actions of the guild. You may remember Tuine, Carril's once friend and lover, she has been delaying actions to investigate who is disrupting the Thalmor.

      Edrelle's mother made sure to teach her the value of continual practice of one magical skills and she has taken it to heart and it seems to have served her well so far. It does help that she finds weaving illusions to be quite a fun challenge. It is great to hear you liked my descriptions of those illusions conjured out of parts of the forest around her.

      I am happy you found that banter between them adorable, they do have fun teasing each other - they are sure to enjoy many more sunsets. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this short tale, Jonathan
  7. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,113 kudos
    Great reading and story and with the captures
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am glad you enjoyed the story and the captures, Ista