About this image
My new upcoming mod, a project to recreate some high-quality robes for the Dunmeri Great Houses. It was inspired by my Indoril Robes, which I did as a wedding outfit for my Dunmer Teryn Meru in AnnaNPCs. I just figured, why stop with Indoril, why not do them all? I also did a "non-denominational" green and blue robe set for fun because I love those colors.
These are made with the vanilla meshes and textures, and hi-res photos of fabric from the internet. I learned a lot about texturing in this project, and some new tricks in Photoshop too! Thanks to RefurbMadness for some tips on normals (even though I have yet to work through her more complicated file)!
Left to right: Dres, Hlaalu, Redoran, Indoril, Green, Blue.
Mod will release on Friday 15th. So if you are a fan of Dunmeri culture, I hope you'll give this mod a try, and if you aren't, I understand.