Swamp Home - Custom Grindstone Model

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  1. jumarbye
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    Very awesome idea and execution Simply amazing work
  2. TheLoreSeeker
    • premium
    • 45 kudos
  3. Anduniel
    • premium
    • 770 kudos
    I like this a lot. Will this be uploaded as a mod or modders resource?
    1. OrinLinwe
      • member
      • 332 kudos
      It will probably end up in future house mods I release.

      I like to make at least 1 or 2 new objects/solutions for each home I make, and I try to not repeat myself too much (though that is actually impossible, and something I should pay less importance to).

      I upload photos fairly frequently of projects I'm working on, as they are worked through. I enjoy seeing creative people working through a project and give commentary on what worked, what didn't work, why it worked and didn't work, and just generally follow the journey from original intent and loose ideas into what they slowly morph into (almost by itself).