As Mad As Ganders

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"Heh. We're a mad three gander, aren't we?"

Dagan smirked at Llevas's remark, which earned a haphazard glare from Anruin and Vahren.

"Aye, but gander no less, eh?"

Llevas chuckled.

"That's quite so, vampire. Quite so."

A rip from Dagan's story where Llevas (Dunmer) is joking about the fact that Dagan is the only female on the team, and remarks in a sarcastic (slightly 'censor-worthy') quip about how she's the 'leader that all the males follow'.

Bad Llevas, bad!

I also love Vahren's expression when standing behind Llevas. That look just screams "I'm so done with you".

The three followers, Anruin, Llevas, and Vahren are all content uploaded on Nexus. Credit goes to FaerieXDecay for making them! They've been my followers for years throughout my plays of Skyrim. :)