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This user's image description contains 24 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Xorp
    • premium
    • 50 kudos
    Stunning work with the sword and had fun seeing the Vlad mimick's

    Great set!
  2. Klaxoid
    • member
    • 193 kudos
    Great stuff Artsick! You are quite prolific
  3. RawrARawr
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    I remember seeing that fucker's patreon awhile ago. You should upload this just to prevent him from getting any more patrons.
    1. Artsick
      • premium
      • 596 kudos
      That was mostly the reason why I made it - out of spite. I quickly got carried away with it and it turned out to be a great mod. Probably the first mod I've ever fully completed as well since most of the mods I start end up being very bare-bones. I don't really wish for them to lose patronage over it, but I'd hope they learn to put more effort into their work since money is getting involved. It looks like they're a beginner anyway so I'd hate to stop someone while they're just starting.
    2. RawrARawr
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I'd agree with you if this was his own work. But it's not. Trying to get money from stolen video game assets is wrong.
  4. Neagoe
    • premium
    • 44 kudos
    I'm glad you're happy with the weapons.
    1. Artsick
      • premium
      • 596 kudos
      Thank you :)
  5. User_33863450
    • account closed
    • 34 kudos
    Wow, I know nothing of the intricate creation, manipulation and whatever magic it is that one does with mods, but I do know this, you are an artist and I applaud you cause I love what I am seeing.
    1. Artsick
      • premium
      • 596 kudos
      Thanks, that's really nice of you to say :) It's nice when someone sees things for the work put into them rather than just the final product.
  6. Saonata
    • member
    • 46 kudos
    Fantastic work at these armors! Yeah, as I can see original author wasn't a hard worker at his mods :D The "restoration" sword is superb. Keep it up with your projects, you're doing it very good x)
    1. Artsick
      • premium
      • 596 kudos
      Thanks :) Yeah the whole patreon thing really got me angry, lol. Their other stuff is just as poor as well.
      The restoration symbol was a lot harder to get working than I had hoped :p but I got it in the end.
  7. deleted28570945
    • account closed
    • 221 kudos
    Really top notch work!

    Good to know I'm not the only one tweaking and editing stuff!

    Although your skills seem to be above and beyond my own.

    Lots of time and work though right?
    1. Artsick
      • premium
      • 596 kudos
      Yeah, everything takes quite a while. I burn quite a lot of hours into work that no one will really see (lots of subtle stuff not seen here) and the stuff that can be seen usually takes the longest. Sometimes I get into a bit of a rhythm though which helps the time pass quicker. All of a sudden hours have passed and my wrist is in pain but there it is: a finished mod :P
  8. SyddSpartan
    • supporter
    • 119 kudos
    Damn that original author. Doesn't seem useful at all that fiend. :P (we love you vlad)

    I just stopped at the witch king of angmar shot and had my jaw smack onto the floor. Marvellous work Hannah. I did tell you I was a huge fan of grim screenshots. I just gazed at them in awe. Your project definitely looks like a success with regards to the sword. The restoration symbol looks great! All the best with whatever you're working on next, keep at it, your work is inspiring. :)

    *creeps back into oblivion* Pretend I was never here.