Better to be right

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Mr. Dave

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I couldn't resist this one. It gets aggravating hearing improper terms used on a daily basis. I guess I've just heard it too many times in game over the years. :D
While draugr is infinitely easier to say than uppvakningr, it is incorrect. Draugr are incorporeal spirits, or ghosts. Uppvakningr are corporeal zombies.
Alternate spellings: Uppvakningur, uppvakninger, uppvakningar.


  1. Forgetmen0t
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    I see you are a man of culture as well.
    1. Mr. Dave
      Mr. Dave
      • premium
      • 512 kudos
      I don't know if I would use cultured as a word to describe myself. After all, I still laugh at a loud fart. :D
  2. deleted28570945
    • account closed
    • 221 kudos

    It's actually "Some Zombie Dude"
    1. Mr. Dave
      Mr. Dave
      • premium
      • 512 kudos
      Well... it is today. But they were old back then, and you know how the older someone is, the less cool they are supposed to be for not using modern vernacular.
  3. daedriccat
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Lol, they've had this wrong since Morrowind!
    1. Mr. Dave
      Mr. Dave
      • premium
      • 512 kudos
      Haha yep! But in their defense, they had sabaton, quiss and greave wrong too... along with confusing "all right" and "alright", confusing "then" and "than"... I could go on for hours yeah, it's just par for the course. :D

      EDIT: I guess they could also have used haugbui instead of draugr, since they are also corporeal and serve the same purpose as the ones in game.