Short tales of one sly as a fox - Of theater and illusion

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  1. bison1967
    • premium
    • 214 kudos
    A tremendous amount of effort went into this post (story and imagery) and it shows! Inspiring work, Kami!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am glad the time and attention I put into this chapter and its images showed, thank you very much, Bison
  2. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 329 kudos
    It was good to read, that Edrelle found a way to disappear out of the focus of the Thalmor. Now she is dead for them and it gives our friends some silence from those enemies. They can recover and plan what they want. Later they can fear them as ghosts
    I assume, it was not easy to find a way out from this complicated situation. You did it very well and it was wonderful to see them all,together in healthy and friendship
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Edrelle would be glad to hear that you liked reading that she escaped the focus of the Thalmor. Things are going to be quiet for her and her friends indeed, their foes will not be looking for them for quite some time. Honey Stripes would enjoy playing the role of a ghost to scare some Thalmor
      You are right that it was a challenge find a way out from their situation for Edrelle and her friends, it took a lot of thought. It is great to hear that you find I wrote about this plan of theirs well, Blackmaid, glad you enjoyed seeing the friendship between them
  3. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    Well done Alexi. I wasn't sure what was happening at first and I thought Edrelle was going to pretend to be someone else. Instead they got to put on a show for the Thalmor, her clever illusions fooling them as the two played out their part before slowly slipping away. The Thalmor now thing they got rid of a troublesome thief as well as a possible traitor - which wrapped that up nicely. Then Edrelle and her friends have brought themselves time from being under the scrutiny of the Thalmor (I say time as eventually as I assume they won't all vanish like Tuine and Carril and eventually rumors of her ghost or actual demise may appear). So a win-win ... well except the win for the Thalmor was actually a loss they just don't know it yet :)

    Beautiful images - love those bright warm hues in the images.
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Thank you very much Jonathan In a sense Edrelle did play the role of someone else, the role of the one the Thalmor think is the leader of the thieves guild as they have never seen her real face, only an illusion. She did quite enjoy putting on that play despite how dangerous her audience was, one of her most elaborate tricks. Tuine knew some of the Thalmor suspected she was a traitor and she used it against them, knowing they did not mind if she met her demise - glad you think so, took some time to figure out how I would wrap it all up. Edrelle and her friends have indeed escaped the scrutiny of the Thalmor for some time, any action taken against the Thalmor by the guild in the future will be far more subtle so as to not draw their attention again. Edrelle and her friends certainly did win that day

      I am really glad you like the images as well, I always like capturing warm sunlight in a shot