Weavers and Threads - Part One

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  1. kozakowy
    • premium
    • 1,034 kudos
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Dzięki! ^^
    2. kozakowy
      • premium
      • 1,034 kudos
      Cała przyjemność po mojej stronie
  2. MiladySteph
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    The work you do always jumps out at me. You have a way of crossing the line from simple screenshots, to piece of legit art. The kind that makes you stop and stare a moment. And I admire your style. very much an inspiration for me. 3rd time or so of just stopping and musing over these. I tend to be a bit of the shy type usually. But I just noticed we might be using the same skin... Unslaad...? I have spent the last 2 days perfecting my textures, so I could get those same lip lines... which I adore ;P

    Have you played around with the Unslaad Keizaal set yet? RWoS diffuse, but softened up a bit for a more youthful look. I have been on such a hunt for the best lips.

    PS I really hope your mom is doing better. Don't forget to get some rest and take care of yourself too (it's easy to forget when you are overwhelmed or stressed)

    ~(Milady) Stephanie
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Aww, thank you for your lovely comment! I assure you, there is no need to be shy around me - I am as awkward as it gets, so I definitely sympathise

      Yes, I use Unslaad; tried to play around with the Keizaal version, but it just doesn't do it for me. I like the original much better, since it's a little bit more rugged. I don't like when my characters are too smooth. Still, it is an amazing texture and I admire the author greatly.

      Thank you for your good wishes. Things are fine now, and hopefully they will only get better. I really appreciate your kind words.
    2. MiladySteph
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      I completely agree with you. The original Unslaad is my favorite still. Whenever I try out something different that I don't quite like, I have the Unslaad, or pride of Valahala, and even some from custom Follower mods that the creators made just for their follower... and I toss those in. As long as the diffuse, or normies etc are from the same set, you can mix and match between the different mods textures. Which also eliminates the dreaded neck seam. For example:

      ~Take Unslaad diffuse only and keep that as a set
      ~Then take Fair Skin normals for another set
      ~Get a glossy, dry, or goosebumps specular maps (Demoniac or Leyenada)
      ~Then sub surface from another
      ~And getting the right tint mask for the lips is so helpful also

      This way, you can build your own special blend, and test different combos.

      I had to laugh at myself a bit there. Especially because it's like telling a professional artist "hey, didja know that you can mix paints together... and, like, get totally different colors!" Lol. Ah well. Never know who might see it and find something helpful.

      Well,if you ever need to talk about mods, swap PRO MLG secret tips, colab in some way, or just chit chat about life even... Feel free to DM me (or is it PM?)

      PS you think you are awkward? Couldn't be so bad as me... Just to comment, or respond to anything, I'll re-word things so much that (no joke) hours go by, before I decide to click the post button. Then prob sit and think that I sound too silly here, or this could be taken the wrong way there, and what if I somehow offend without realizing... or someone points out something and... ya. I delete a lot of posts I do within a few hours. Lol.
    3. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Yep, I usually mix the maps together as well; I'm way too lazy to play with it for too long, so I usually just slap anything I want on top of SG texture normals. So, as you can see, I'm no "professional artist"

      I get being an overthinker, especially when writing on a public forum - I see no problem with that It only shows that you care about what you write (and the people who will read it). It's a good trait to have for sure.

    4. MiladySteph
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Thank you so much. I never thought of it that way, but you know... you're right. It's a really nice way to look at how we communicate. And it made me feel so much more comfortable.

      I was really obsessive about any aspect that I wanted to get perfect. I felt I needed to just master everything, but really my expertise ends at the body and clothing textures. Now I am moving onto the Armor. And I love to play with all these amazing mods, and it's great meeting nice creative people I can admire, like yourself. Thank you for your inspiring works. The stories are amazingly fitting for each of your screenshots (I keep wondering if you write a story around the pictures that you take that jump out at you... Of if you set them up with your vision already in mind... not that you need to share the secret of your techniques... Sometimes I feel rude to ask.

      I keep getting sort of ideas for short stories as I look back on screenshots I had taken. I tried to set up an idea a few times... and I wish I could show the difference between what I had in my mind, and the mess I ended up with. It would be hilarious. But even failure is an achievement of sorts, since you learn how to fix, or avoid little issues that way. Well, it sounds nice In theory anyways... Lol

      And I appreciate you taking the time to humor a noobling like myself. You are so kind <3
    5. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Hey, even if the final product differs from the original concept it doesn't mean the work is worthless! Everyone is critical of their own works (okay, maybe some aren't - but usually they are the ones who need a healthy dose of criticism the most), it's only natural. If you want to write something - do it. If it brings enjoyment, that's all that matters. And yes, I agree with you: every mistake is an opportunity to learn and grow

      Creating these sets is simply my way of relaxing, so I don't really have any technique. I just do what I feel like doing at a given moment, be it writing or taking screenies. Basically, anything goes.

      C'mon, we are all noobs on this blessed day! And I'm definitely not "humoring" you, I'm just having a nice conversation with an equally nice individual.
  3. Xorp
    • premium
    • 50 kudos
    Even on an unfocussed brain you create wonderful story telling Will have to be a bit longer in suspense for the final chapter

    I always liked how you portray Saga, and although she definitely deserves rest.... I'm happy we get to read more about her

    Best wishes to you and your mom and hoping for positive news!
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Yay, Saga gets some love! I'm glad you like her, she has a special place in my twisted little heart Simply couldn't put her to rest for good.

      Also, thank you for you wishes, I really appreciate them.
  4. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    Ah poor Saga - a possible pawn in the Civil War. So hard. On the one hand she has done enough and deserves some peace. At the other - if she could do anything to help prevent a Civil War could she be happy with herself if she did not? Not that she is a saint so things don't apply as they might to a standard storybook hero. Worse if she is asked to take a side in something that is so gray and vague on who is right and who is not.

    Wonderful writing and shots Kayol and I do hope things go well for your mom.
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      The civil war is indeed as gray morally as it gets and it all depends what the player considers more important: the historical connotation the politics introduce, or the cultural/social ones. Balgruuf just wants to keep his people away from the turmoil, not taking sides for as long as he can. That's why I always liked Whiterun, even though I usually don't condone passivity in any way. I can symphatise with him - and I think Saga can, too. But to say more would be to spoil the story (and, as you know, it's so freakin' original it would be a shame ), so I'll just shut up now.

      Thank you for the good wishes. Everything is fine now - next week we'll find out if it will remain so.
  5. User_33863450
    • account closed
    • 34 kudos
    The weaver weaves each thread exactly where they wish it to be, constrained and held in place. I feel for her, being woven yet again into another position. Beautifully written Kayol.
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      And now you made the weaver feel guilty for putting her poor threads into all this mess! Fortunately, even the most broken patterns can be mended and patched up... if the weaver wishes so.

      Thank you for your comment!
  6. Kudix2627
    • supporter
    • 17 kudos
    These photos are a-mazing, damn, the first photo reminds me of the fire keeper in dark souls 3. You take the saying "a picture is worth a thousands words" to a whole new level.
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Never played Dark Souls, but after checking that character out I totally agree with you! Not to mention that now I wish we had such cool outfits in Skyrim... her dress is amazing

      Thank you for the comment!
  7. Klaxoid
    • member
    • 193 kudos
    Seems like there is no rest for them, even though the World-Eater has been brought low. Great work here Kayol
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Yeah, the unfortunate protagonist's work is never done...
      Thanks for the comment!
  8. napoleonofthestump
    • premium
    • 543 kudos
    Lovely work! The washed-out midtones and sepia tinting is perfect for this section of the story.
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      I'm happy you think so, thank you for the comment!
  9. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,113 kudos
    Awesome works and writing
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Thank you, dear!
  10. clauDA
    • member
    • 233 kudos
    Beautiful pictures. . .Stories. Beautifully told.
    I know the old movie. It was a long time ago.
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Thanks, darling.

      I'm a huge fan of Angela Carter, so I love this movie very much.
    2. clauDA
      • member
      • 233 kudos