Brace the Heart

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  1. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    Excellent portrayal of both the Dragonborn and Sarathal quests. Congrats on getting the MA written! Must feel pretty awesome getting that done. A lot more pressure on that than a nexus story for sure :)
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Thank you!

      It feels weird more than anything else, to be honest. I think I will truly be able to breathe after my defence
  2. Kuro89
    • member
    • 59 kudos
    You have AWESOME looking characters they are very unique!
    I see that you have a lot of fun writing your story. I wish I could write like you but no one wanna read my broken english sentences so I try to capture my stories with pictures
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos

      Hey, if I could find some people to read my broken sentences, so can you! If you feel like writing, do it.
  3. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    It seems Galla's idea of what it would be like to learn the secrets of magic collided with reality, not all that learn magic have that same wonder about such mysteries, they are mixed up in other things like seeking status or standing, power over others instead of knowledge. But it was something she had to face eventually, she must shake off fears and doubts to get through those ruins. It is interesting how strong Saga's motherly instincts are, knowing her daughter faced some peril even when so far away, of course she is not normal adventurer.

    It was heartwarming how Saga and Larkspur looked after each other as they ventured into peril as well, Saga bringing her magic to bear despite the loss of her sight, her other senses certainly are sharp. It was also nice how Larkspur was able to make Saga smile with his tension breaking humour, it is good that she has not lost her sense of humour considering what she has faced. Your writing and images were very enjoyable as ever, Kayol
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Thank you for your comment! I think Galla needed a moment of reality check, it was inevitable in a way. After all, if you truly commit to something you cannot just cherry-pick the fun parts of the experience. The whole package must be accepted.

      I try to illustrate the bond between Saga and Larkspur without overdoing it. I'm glad you liked that part of the story as well. Thanks again!
  4. Xorp
    • premium
    • 50 kudos
    While Galla's adventure is more of an adventure in unexpected innocense, Saga seems to be tested every step she takes.

    Congrats on finishing your MA!
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Well said! I think you summarised the story perfectly in that single sentence
      Thank you for commenting!
  5. Lee5Lee
    • supporter
    • 65 kudos
    Congratulations on finishing your MA! ^_^ I knew you could do it! Wonder, if it's written in the same awesome style of writing, iconic to your works?

    Amasing continuation to the story, I wonder, if the eye shots some kind of a clue that Saga can get her sight back? O_O I surely wish her that!
    Galla is a miraculous child ^_^ So nice and innocent, hope it stays with her. I wonder, do you want to put her on Archmage post? Anyway, she just need to take little quest path to put Arniel away from the road :3
    Funny thing, I believe because of College of Winterhold Overhaul he is bald as an egg in my game. Looks much worse :D So, Galla is even a bit lucky :D
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Thank you! I'm afraid there's nothing awesome about the style of my thesis - or maybe there is? I'm sure there are some fun-hating people in this world who would enjoy it for sure

      I will not spoil anything, but the speculations are always welcome! The story doesn't belong to the author once it is sent into the world, and each reader creates their own interpretation, after all I'm glad you like Galla! I'm quite fond of her myself, too, which may not be such a good thing after all... but hey, let's just see what happens.

      I picked this version of Arniel just to make that petty comparison to my arch-nemezis from the university. Maybe a bald version would not trigger such negative connotations? Who knows!
  6. Excellentium
    • member
    • 354 kudos
    Remarkable writing and images to go with usual! I'm lacking superlatives for your work, so this will have to do, as a sign of me being here, reading it, enjoying it and being left with the same strong spark of inspiration as always. I really liked this chapter, not sure why, but maybe because I'm too playing one of my mages at the moment so the memories of Saarthal perhaps evoked something within me...

    Good luck with your MA! Like I tell my daughter when she's studying hard - don't worry, because worriness wont help at all. I'm also a bit spoiled by her good efforts...and I get the sense you're blessed with success too!
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Oh yes, your elven lady Adariel! Your mage, however, is quite the master of the trade, and your images showcase that very well. Galla is still a spring chicken and I want to explore that naive belief in magical powers a young adept might have. We'll see how it turns out

      Truer words have never been spoken. Worrying is counterproductive; why waste time anticipating the worst when you can act to prevent it from happening? Good to hear your kid excels in her field! I, on the other hand, am quite successful when it comes to engaging in verbal fights with my superiors (I had no chill this semester, maybe because of exhaustion) - but somehow manage to stay out of trouble. Hopefully it will continue to be so until the very end
  7. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    First of all I think the imagery you made with this set is great,.. It's almost strange that I did not recognise it's Bleak, since I've been using it for quite a while myself,...
    It has a great colorpalette and I also like how the faces seem to "pop out" more,...
    Great writing also,.. I think the whole quest when finding the gauldur amulet is a great one, and I think you've made great use of it.
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Oh yes, I also love Bleak. It has that specific flavour of cinematics I like - not to mention it being quite performance-friendly. I tweaked the settings a little bit, though, maybe that's why you didn't recognise it at first.

      Happy to hear you liked the story! I quite like this storyline myself, so it's really great others enjoy reading it.
  8. jumarbye
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    Thoroughly enjoyed this chapter of mother and daughters' stories

    I had forgotten how it feels to be young and naive (though I've never forgotten how to be melodramatic! ), but it all came rushing back to me as I was reading about Galla at Saarthal.

    Excellent work! Glad your MA is done - now you can take a reprieve

    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Glad you liked the story! Yeah, Galla is quite a drama queen at times - I guess she's compensating for years of living in seclusion
  9. Klaxoid
    • member
    • 193 kudos
    Very compelling and a fresh take on these old quests

    I love this shot so much Kayol
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it
  10. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,113 kudos
    Awesome imagination along with skillful writing epic chapter... perfectly illustrated
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Thank you!