Almost done

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I am at long last almost done with redoing my mod setup, which has been a work in progress on and off for months, so I'm posting this evidence to celebrate. Now I get to spend some time planning a character and, you know... actually playing the damn game for the first time in ages.


  1. K3L3R
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Same here. I'm adding, removing, merging, tweaking something time to time but didn't play a minute since 2014. I didn't actually see after meeting Esbern by playing(That was 4(four(FOUR)) years ago.).
  2. Froloff007
    • premium
    • 54 kudos
    Done will never come! As far as I know this game.
    There is always something that can be changed.
    1. Alethiara
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Haha, so true! But that's what makes modding this game so much fun, I wouldn't want it to be different :D
    2. Conspiracydawg
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      Of course; one can get a nice base setup that makes it easy to throw in new things, but there's an infinite supply of new things to throw in, and they all look terribly enticing, and I'm sure the first chance I get I'll try something that breaks everything else. Wouldn't have it any other way...
  3. Excellentium
    • member
    • 355 kudos
    Good news, but you could also build and play at the same time. I'm at nearly 300 characters in this everchanging world and I also use four different "world setups" depending on which season my character is in - Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter. Perfection is an endless goal to reach, so enjoy the adventures while you keep adjusting your world and ENB's. It will get you somewhere at least...

    Looks great what you've done here though!
    1. Conspiracydawg
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      Oh, yeah, of course, you can't ever really get done modding Skyrim, but I find that my base setup doesn't change much. I switched to MO for this iteration, and this time I built it for convenience, so I should have an easier time of it than usual tweaking things. Seasonal setups sounds like fun, I'd never considered that before. Finally gives me a good excuse to try AceeQ's winter overhaul...