Visiting the Reach

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This user's image description contains 8 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. jumarbye
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    Excellent pics, but the 2nd one in the description made my job drop in appreciation - the pic of your fellow.

    Your khajiit is looking really good, too. The gown she's wearing in the first images is gorgeous!
    1. MateredDyn
      • supporter
      • 80 kudos
      AWWW!! Thanks!! That is Eric the Slayer. I forgot he was a follower until I ran into him in Rorikstead after I spoke to him and his father. He is not bad looking as vanilla but I wanted a little change. Thank you, Mayoki is constantly changing because I am unsure how I want her to look. I should showcase her illusion magic, it is hard to capture in photos.
    2. jumarbye
      • premium
      • 65 kudos
      Yeah, I'm not sure how you would showcase illusion magic. Good luck with that