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This user's image description contains 22 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 178 kudos
    Nice characters Rick. So far, Godrik is your most dwarven Dwarf.
  2. Darksaber87
    • supporter
    • 102 kudos
    Rick my friend you are a machine. 301 that is 200 more than me hahahaha I gotta catch up!!!!!

    It is always fun to see what new characters you have created, if only I could read and speak Swedish I would be so interested in reading your story. Keep creating and do you actually have a goal in mind or a stopping point with character creation I know when I hit 95 I slowed down a bit with character creation.

    Enjoy the weekend my friend.
    1. Excellentium
      • member
      • 355 kudos
      Nah, I just think it's me having too much spare time due to unemployment and using many night and day hours sitting in front of my notes, descriptions, maps and other important fantasy material... 100 characters are well enough, my friend, believe me. I'm not able to play all of mine as thoroughly as I once did, but the main reason for me to keep making characters are the fact they do exist in written form and I just love seeing them in full visual instead of just being words. I think you understand me well in this, since you too make characters from your writing...

      It sure would be helpful if I could write my stories and post them here in Swedish for you to read. I can promise you that my sets with applied writing would increase dramatically. Writing in Swedish is obviously natural to me, so I just start going and hit the flow within seconds. With English I have to rethink every word and sentence...and still I lack in vocabulary to make it real interesting. You know I like writing in English too, but it's never the same. Maybe I should do a short story in Swedish and see how many of you would understand anything using Google Translate or something?

      I admit, I thought I had reached an end in the character making too, but it all kickstarted again shortly thereafter. This was pretty much during the time Tanja and I started SNC - so it was also a reason for me to try make characters - but it slowly died out and my hunger for more characters was only growing. Today I'm picking characters from my writing from all over my worldspace...and that's a big map with six continents. I've had so many ideas actually regarding this: I could make the kings and queens of every nation, I could make my own "presets" of the different cultures in my world, or I could try and depict the nearly hundred of deities I have. So you see, I really don't see an end for the character making, quite the contrary actually. Like I said earlier, I have too much time for my own good...

      A very pleasant weekend to you too, dear friend! I doubt I'll be around much until late next week, but you never know!
    2. Darksaber87
      • supporter
      • 102 kudos
      Oh that would be very very cool if you ever decide to do that. I probably wont ever stop making characters tell TES6 and that is many years away still hehe.
      I kinda want to try another SNC maybe next Saturday.
  3. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,126 kudos
    Always awesome to see your skills Rick
  4. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 149 kudos
    301 characters,.. your harddrive alone must be full with keeping up all thsoe saves,... ;)
    It quite the detailed world your playing (wich Iknew ofcourse) but the depth of it always seems to surprise me somehow,..
  5. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 331 kudos
    I really like the great diversity of your characters ... I can imagine how colourfull your written world is. I really would like to read this all ... 300 acting persons ... you reach soon the number of GoT persons
    Very impressive are your dwarfes here
  6. jumarbye
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    A truly awesome collection of characters! Great diversity, and they look as I imagine they might, based on their descriptions, but that's subjective, of course. And, as you know, I love your dwarves! They look DA-ish, but much, much better.

    Half the fun of the game is making a new char, yes?
  7. User_33863450
    • account closed
    • 34 kudos
    Terrific character roster. I could never keep track of the many that you have
  8. Xorp
    • supporter
    • 50 kudos
    No clue how you can make so many completely different characters, fantastic work
  9. Simboker
    • supporter
    • 73 kudos
    Wow, what a lovely collection of characters! I can´t even imagine how much work and passion is behind those creations. Absolutely admirable, all the more that this is real handicraft, something i never get used to do myself, i tried, but nothing worth presenting came out . Your power of imagination has to be endless
  10. agelmar101
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    Fantastic collection of characters.