Thinking Of Coming Back To Skyrim

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  1. napoleonofthestump
    • premium
    • 546 kudos
    Do your thing. It's hard to make good art when you're in a rut. You're a skilled artist in this medium, I suspect you're pretty talented in other media as well.
    1. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 145 kudos
      I use to be.
      Guitar, pencil art, carving(wood, stone, bone, and shell), and poetry.
      I sort of stopped everything. There really isnt a place in this world to make something out of that without knowing people.
    2. napoleonofthestump
      • premium
      • 546 kudos
      I hear ya. Finding the right venue to showcase your creations seems like it takes the bulk of an artist's time, energy, and wherewithal. Internet sales are all well and good in theory, but I've found them to be more labor-intensive and less, I don't know, satisfying and meaningful than a deal with a real brick-and-mortar gallery or shop. While the world's never going to beat a path to your door no matter how skilled your craftsmanship, there's something to be said for art for art's sake. Or, barring that, for the sake of practice, or therapy, or creative discipline, or...
    3. CyborgArmGun
      • premium
      • 264 kudos
      That was the most poetic way of saying "Art is really hard" that I've ever read.

      *slow clap*

      I'm self-trained in graphite/Prismacolor Colored Pencils (which is a hard niche and for valid reasons...) and just... when the words "who will see it? cross your lips the world just ind a crumbles.

      My writing drive is coming back thoygh, and MAN that feels wierd.
    4. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 145 kudos
      If I could kudos you twice I would have done it thrice.
      But yes. I live in miami. One of the capitals for art and artistry alike. I was in school for visual arts and teaching. But most schools have already cast out art teachers. My professor worked at two different campuses and had a part time. Goes to show how far something like that would have gotten me if I chose to stay any longer.
      You're right about the discipline though. I sort of started doing all of these as a way to escape or calm my self if needed. I ended up teaching my self a lot about self control and how to break mental barriers...that's until life really sunk in then struck me. Mental barriers EVERYWHERE, but it isn't something that I am unable to cope with.
      Just gotta find something that works.
    5. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 145 kudos
      I hope you keep practicing your visual art Cyb!
    6. napoleonofthestump
      • premium
      • 546 kudos
      Cyborg: Well, I mean, making art isn't hard if you're the sort of artist who, sharklike, has to keep creating or sink, but getting people to see it and getting people to buy it can be pretty tall orders. Especially if you're competing with a bunch of screens.

      Fork: Yeah, teaching's getting to be a pretty tall order these days too, especially in the arts and humanities. Used to teach English and visual arts myself, and while it provided a chance for me to make a significant difference in a bunch of students' lives (hopefully for the better) the stress of being perennially overworked and underpaid burnt me right out, I'm sorry to say. Once I realized that even in a best-case scenario I'd just be shuffled from one adjunct position to another until the university decided I'd outlived my usefulness, I got out of that scene and into the ever-so-lucrative world of small-scale agriculture (via a couple years in desert field biology- long story). Out of the frying pan and into the other frying pan. Leastaways, now when I complain that I never seem to have time to make art I can at least take consolation in the fact that it's only my own damn fault! In all seriousness though, there are ways of doing things with aesthetic intention no matter what they are- planting onions, thinning apples, dusting a rug, cooking a pot of soup- whatever. And that every-day aesthetic is what keeps me (more or less) sane even when I'm not deliberately taking time to write or paint. Life is messy, dangerous, frail, and beautiful; art-making is to humans as the dawn chorus is to birds: a celebration of that great beauty.
  2. CyborgArmGun
    • premium
    • 264 kudos
    Always a seat at my table, with tea if you ask for it.
    1. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 145 kudos
      You had me at 'table'
    2. CyborgArmGun
      • premium
      • 264 kudos
      Well then, you're on. Hope you like chai! (I do.)

      (I actually feel like making some let's do that!)
    3. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 145 kudos
      I no have ANY my dude.
      I just got out of work. Super beat.
  3. Xorp
    • premium
    • 50 kudos
    You are always welcome here, but take a break if you are no longer enjoying up..... Skyrim will draw you back at some point
    1. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 145 kudos
      Skyrim an odd hold on me after producing my first mod lol.
      It's a little active.
      Thanks dude.