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This user's image description contains 29 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    LUT's are amazing although I have never worked with them directly myself I know Tansarville uses them and sought, in the old days of ENB, to duplicate them to some degree with a palette with Somber Lut Sepia which is my favorite ENB preset to this day. More currently I love what they can do as shown by Film Works by TreyM and many other more modern presets coming out. That being said I don't see them as the be-all end-all. You can often get more fine tuned control with other ENB or ReShade settings. Course it depends on the game and the options. I do know LUTS can be effective to reset the color palette so you can then build a better ENB on top of it. They can also be used to quickly change the overall look and feel as you describe. I like them myself but seem them as just another tool in the tool kit when using a preset to take screenshots.

    EDIT: Removed some text, after thinking about it, as in the end it servers little purpose :p

    In regards to this collection this one shot stands heads and shoulders above all the others as far as the look and feel I like:

    I also like the second one up from the last.
    1. napoleonofthestump
      • premium
      • 543 kudos
      Thanks for the feedback, Wolf! That one image you referenced there has the single best LUT I've made yet (something I'm calling "Parchment")- it just seems to look good no matter what the local light and color conditions. The others... still need some editing. I have been doing more imitations of filmic LUTs inspired by- and I'm glad to hear you've also noticed their work- TreyM and l00ping and their Film Workshop and PRC ENBs. These subtler LUTs that do more with tone and less with color seem to be more successful- in that they manage to both look good and result in a playable game in a variety of ambient conditions.

      I totally hear you about the limitations of LUTs compared to tweaking the ENB settings directly. The difference between putting a filter over a shot and changing up your filmstock, so to speak. Still, I feel like the role of LUTs in Skyrim has just barely been explored. One potential role for LUTs might be allowing lower-impact, less GPU-heavy ENBs to provide more dramatic, interesting effects than they otherwise might be capable of showing.

      Speaking of ReShade, do you know of a way to get both ENB and ReShade to run concurrently in old-school Skyrim?
    2. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Sadly not easily on the ENB/ReShade/SweetFX issues with Windows 10 and classic Skyrim. Windows 7 and SC (skyrim classic) can run ENB and SweetFX okay (and there are many presets, especially old ones, that use both). But in my move to win10 I discovered the SweetFX DLL no longer works. There is a lot of bad information on it online as well - as many people recommend removing the DLL or renaming it ... which does solve the error message but also disables the SweetFX completely ... which they never seem to realize when they proudly state "they fixed the problem". A few people seem to be able to legitimately be able to run both SweetFX and ENB on windows 10 (by that I mean it actually works for them versus they think it is working) but its a small number and have not discovered the differences. Something I have researched extensively on many forums including

      In the end the only version of SweetFX I can get to run with ENB on SC with win10 is a converted DLL for SFX version 1.4 that I found on Reddit thanks to a friend who was using it. With that one specific DLL I can use that version with ENB.

      For ReShade - for version 3 I always end up running into graphic glitches and bugs when I can get it working with ENB on SC. At this point, with the one exception I mentioned, I can only run pure ENB presets with SC. On the other hand there is really no need for SFX or ReShade for SC because ENB provides more than enough tools to manage things and is far better. For newer games with less options then mixing the tool works nicely and sometimes ReShade is the only option.
    3. napoleonofthestump
      • premium
      • 543 kudos
      Thanks for the info- seems to be as I feared. I agree that the SC ENB does pretty much anything ReShade does, better. That said, there are a couple of ReShade effects I've come to enjoy in Fallout (mostly tone and color manipulation) that layer nicely with ENB. Guess I'll just have to grade my colors the old-fashioned way.
  2. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,113 kudos
    Awesome works D V
    1. napoleonofthestump
      • premium
      • 543 kudos
      Thank you!
  3. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    You gave us an interesting explanation about LUT's. I discovered them a while ago with Snapdragon ENB and don't want to miss them since this time. I'm not so good in tweaking an ENB, but the change of the LUT's is an easy tool to change the atmosphere of a pic and can enhance the mood. You can make it warm or cold, dangerous or comfort ... quite no borders for fantasy. Especially because I make quite never a rework of my pictures , I do it in this way ingame
    Your pics are, as always, brilliant and show the possibilities of changing atmosphere with help of LUT's in a very impressive way
    1. napoleonofthestump
      • premium
      • 543 kudos
      Thanks BM, glad to hear you like your LUTS too! Since the game-world has such a variety of scenarios and situations it presents, it always seemed limiting to me to restrict myself to a single palette. While, theoretically, one could modify a bunch of ENB settings in-game to get the colors and tones just so, that takes flippin' forever compared to switching out already balanced image layers.
  4. Simboker
    • supporter
    • 73 kudos
    Now i got interested and excited to try it out myself after seeing those! Thanks!
    1. napoleonofthestump
      • premium
      • 543 kudos
      Glad you dig 'em. Caffeine and Snapdragon have LUT options built into them, and I'm currently working on a set of modular LUTs that can be applied to just about anything.
  5. Artsick
    • premium
    • 596 kudos
    "In layman's terms, a LUT makes color-grading within the image pretty like whoa and more betterer." lol, I love how your descriptions are always full of very casual writing and curious atmosphere. It makes me feel like I'm learning with you sometimes. I mean, technically, I am because I didn't know what triptych was until today so thanks for that
    As for the LUTs.. I've had a bit of a love-hate relationship with them over the past couple of months. They give the opportunity for so much customisation and can change moods instantaneously but I found that a lot of the time, I would be giving up one thing for another. In my recent set, for example, I struggled with capturing the atmosphere of childhood seen through a retrospective angle because the LUT made some pictures feel too over-exposed or I guess.. the range from light to dark was minimised a lot due to heavier contrast induced from it. The same can be seen in a few of these pictures like this (the middle one), this, and this - where the lighting has this limit to it that's achieved much more easily and sort of ruins the general clarity of the image. I'm not sure what I'm trying to describe because I'm pretty sure there's a word for it.. I just can't seem to remember it. You're gaining the ability to create an instant atmosphere with a side of incredible bursts of colour but you might lose most of your value (value in the HSV sense of the word - like shades from dark to light).
    It's actually why I'm going to be switching through ENBs for a while until I can find one that I don't need to mess with LUTs too often, or if I do, I'm able to tweak it enough dynamically to counteract that bleaching effect. I've ruined plenty of pictures over the last couple of months leaning on them as a crutch and I find it really disappointing.
    Of course, at the end of the day it's all a personal preference but it shows in the amount of pictures that I've decided to leave sitting in my screenshots folder that I've been both a big fan of LUT-power, and a hater of it as well.
    1. napoleonofthestump
      • premium
      • 543 kudos
      Ha, glad you're enjoying coming along on my haphazard journey into image editing! I definitely effed-up the color balance and levels on a couple of these shots. Partially that was due to my initial calibration images not depicting a full range of colors and values. I've since gone back and tinkered with the shadow and highlight colors on the more egregiously janky of these LUTs, to better (but still not perfect) effect. There are a couple of LUT profiles I've made that look so good in certain low-light conditions that I'm just going to keep them, despite their looking like total garbage in full sunlight. But, to be honest, the same thing could be said of many of the original Snapdragon LUTs- some were so situational that I don't think I've ever seen anyone use them in a screenshot (that was not terrible). If I do my job right, I'll make a set of styles so slick they'll make even the most edit-phobic of ENBists think twice about becoming LUTatarians!
  6. Excellentium
    • member
    • 354 kudos
    I've been admiring your shots in this marvellous collection for a short moment now, and I'd love to give some constructive input because you seem to be one that can handle it...

    Sadly I can't think of anything helpful to say, mostly because it's six o'clock in the morning and I haven't been to sleep yet, but also because it's difficult to "correct" things others have made. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say and I see no problems whatsoever in any of these LUT's.I would probably try most of them as well only to see how they would work with my sense of atmosphere for the game, as I've already done with the current LUT's of Caffeine. I'm not very knowledged about these things and tweaking the GUI of an ENB is something I still fear of doing I resolve most my colour mashups with the help of a simple photo editing program if needed. I don't have powerful tools as PS though, so I more or less just desaturate the colours or turn them B/W to play with stronger shadows and such when I feel it's suitable. I do however prefer editing the images after playing the game, and not meanwhile (probably because of my background as an image editor back in the days of analogue photography and also because it's fun) which explains my lack of understanding about the GUI and the extensive use of LUT's. I mostly tend to just one or two, but I assume we all strive to find our own personal style so that's maybe a good thing..

    Regardless, all of these are wonderful LUT options, DV and as always your composition of the images are spot on! Now I need a few hours of sleep!
    1. napoleonofthestump
      • premium
      • 543 kudos
      Thanks for saying, Rick! I, too, really enjoy the process of post-process image tweaking. One of the things I like about making LUTs is that it is that exact process- you edit an image and then copy all those edits into the LUT file, upload that into the game world and BAM- instant OK look. In my case, the look I've been trying to get has more blown-out highlights and a lower mid-tone level, while still retaining the dark tones of the deepest shadowed areas. Still working out the kinks...
  7. Klaxoid
    • member
    • 193 kudos
    Fantastic shots DV! You have some crazy skills my friend!
    1. napoleonofthestump
      • premium
      • 543 kudos
      Thanks mate, takes one to know one!
  8. BlueOgreSan
    • premium
    • 251 kudos
    Impressive collection!
    1. napoleonofthestump
      • premium
      • 543 kudos
      Thank you!