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This user's image description contains 52 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.
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clean and distorted electric guitars, and I've always had a love for well composed images too.
This set has them all, awesome works. ^-^
Thank you!
You make fewer typing mistakes than I do. hahaa
And I'm about as American as they get. :)
But also, even if I can write in English, it's an endless checking back and forth for grammar mistakes or if I use the words correctly (and I still miss a lot of errors) which makes it a lot more wearying, up to the point that I lose my interest in continuing. That's the answer to why I start some tales here, but then they all die out after only 3-4 chapters.
I appreciate the comfort boost though...and some day I might write even in English without me constantly complaining!
This brings back memories of my days in Enderal. I played through the entire sequence 3 or 4 times and then reverted my game back to the original Skyrim.
Enderal represents what the original vanilla Skyrim might have been with greater care by the developers.
It is amazing what the designers of Enderal were able to do within the 32 bit confines of the Skyrim framework.
I particularly love the transparent and highly realistic waters as evidenced by that beautiful shot that you took with the lily pads and the sun reflecting off that pool of water.
One day I would love to see Enderal and beyond recreated in SkyrimSE. In the SE 64 bit environment, I wonder if Enderal could be developed as a DLC level extension of Skyrim in the spirit of Beyond Skyrim Bruma. As is, Enderal completely transforms your Skyrim game installation and prevents simultaneous play of Skyrim and Enderal unless you duplicate your Skyrim installation. While I understand why this was necessary, I think it has greatly limited the potential and popularity of Enderal.
It's a bit sad to think how many people skip Enderal when you know how rich and detailed the world is. Even the very levelling system is more appealing to an oldschool RPG player like myself. Sure, it makes the game and the fights a lot more difficult, but it also makes you focus more on how to develop your character instead of just being a "jack-of-all-trades".
I do hope people are still willing go to Enderal for some adventures, especially when there's a lot more in the "Beyond"-series around the corner that will compleat our beloved Skyrim even further.
Thank you very much, Chris!
This reminds me of my beginnings in enderal. Only I do not play it anymore, because I hardly have time. And if so, then I'm in Skyrim and creating new chars or test some mods.
Yes, I tend to go back to Skyrim for more characters and mods too, but at the moment I feel inspired to travel in Enderal. The world is so beautiful, yet also gloomy, and that I like a lot. Erwin made a few shots from Enderal before he went on his summer vacation and it triggered me to do the same. I still have so much to explore in this realm, but I will be back in Skyrim soon too I guess...
My first character I did some year ago, is focused on archery, sneaking, thieving and using light armor, so I made this girl who's going to be mage-inspired and another with a focus on heavy armor and melee fights with both 1H/2H weapons. These are the three I will play and this set shows the very first path you need to go through to get to the more open world.
It's truly a fascinating worldspace and I haven't even reached the more epic parts of this realm!