Nightblade and Armored Shadow

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This user's image description contains 11 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 150 kudos
    These images are awesome, my friend! Two great characters, awesome mood, lighting, and armor!

    I need to ask... What ENB are you using for these images?
    1. Laoshan99
      • supporter
      • 11 kudos
      Thank you very much my friend, I'm glad you like them
      I still can't afford an ENB because my game recently keeps crashing like every 10 min or even earlier, but I don't wanna get rid of a few bigger mods so my game basically is a screenshot simulator at the moment -_-.
      Indoors I use ELFX because in my opinion this lighting looks the most aesthetic although some lightsources are quiet buggy from time to time. The lighting on her face is mostly done by Facelight and I avoid shadows by facing away from the major lightsource.
      Outdoors I use Climates of Tamriel and Vivid Weathers. To get at least some illumination of the character in the middle of the night is by standing in front of a torch at the Riverwood gate . I know that some shots are too dark, but I really wanted to stick to the overall theme ^^.
      Some other ''cosmetic'' mods I use are Improved Effects and Immersive Saturation Boost and the standard texture packs.
      Sorry for the novel .
    2. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      First, it was kind of a trick question - but I just wanted to point out once again that you get astonishingly great images out of your game without using an ENB. So to be safe, I wanted to make sure you still were not using one. So... amazing effort in getting these amazing images.

      Second, sorry to hear you are having some issues in your game. Other than an occasional crash during or immediately after inital loading, my game behaves pretty good, but I had a very strange thing happen about 15 minutes into a gaming session yesterday, where my FPS dropped to almost 0, and I finally gave up and cancelled the game. But I am also currently testing two different mods for people that use HDT-SMP hair, and my HDT-SMP setup is not fine tuned, so I am hoping that is why. But it is very frustrating when those things happen.

      I use ELFX as well, and it is usually amazing, but I had trouble in one of my custom home interiors the other day and I was thinking it was one of the strange ELFX issues. But since it was custom home, maybe the issues I was having were because ELFX hadn't improved that one like it has the vanilla interiors. Hmmm, something else for me to research.

      Thanks for the info on your other mods - especially for anyone reading these comments who also does not use an ENB and wants to get images out of their game like you constantly get!

      Finally... It's me! So your reply wasn't a novel, it was just a brief message!