FranklyHD Dawnguard Armor and Weapons WIP

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  1. FrankFamily
    • premium
    • 3,627 kudos
    Testing some glowing lava for the uniques:

    • premium
    • 93 kudos
    Looks great, imo nothing to add.
  3. FrankFamily
    • premium
    • 3,627 kudos
    So, fishing for opinions on one matter, the rune weapons. Would you guys prefer if I followed vanilla, i.e. a very slightly different texture, which is what I have at the moment, or it was pushed to be more unique and artifact-worthy? The first thought is adding some glowing runes or engravings or something, fits the name I guess, not sure what the runes would be, as in, daedric runes? I don't know. Ideally something more interesting than just making some parts of the model glow. So, if you have thoughts, leave them below.

    Also, thanks for the positive response and support :)
    1. billyro
      • premium
      • 2,840 kudos
      Engravings and runes would definitely make them stand out more and be a worthier reward. I don't know if Daedric runes would suit it though, because the Dawnguard are (sort of) allied with the Vigilants of Stendarr and they wouldn't allow anything Daedric.
    2. OMFrostWolf
      • supporter
      • 92 kudos
      +1 for this..Just make some parts of the weapons glow or add some engravings and it's good to go...There is a mod that make some parts of the axe glow here on Nexus...You may get some inspiration from that one...and Plz Keep up the good work !
    3. cr1m50nph0en1x
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Since the Dawnguard DLC involves the Falmer, how about Falmer runes? With their relation to Auriel (who is a Sun God if I remember correctly), their language might be fitting.
    4. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,627 kudos
      I don't see daedric runes fitting thematically either (the dawnguard rune hammer places a fire rune which has daedric letters, but that's more a game thing than lore).

      Didn't thought about falmer, the relation is a bit slim imo. It's either that, ayleid or those in elderscrolls and the eye of magnus, no other runes that I know of in TES. Daedric is wildly associated with enchantments in general so there's an argument for it I suppose. Don't know, will think about it and see what I come up with.
    5. Bersark93
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      There's also dwemer with Sorine interested in them maybe she carved dwemeris into the gear?
  4. deleted28570945
    • account closed
    • 221 kudos
    Looks amazing!
  5. Yfr
    • member
    • 38 kudos
    Everything looks amazing. Great work.
    As for the weapons, personally I'd rather see more detail in the metalwork, even just wear.
    Or maybe some etchings (runes or otherwise) into the metal, or even carvings into the wooden hafts.
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,627 kudos
      I like the idea of carvings in the wood, thanks
  6. liemertha
    • supporter
    • 94 kudos
    If I remember correctly this armor has it own cubemap ( ) Are you going to make new cubemap based on that too?
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,627 kudos
      Yes, I've made a new cubemap for it.
  7. rudy102
    • premium
    • 2,580 kudos
    Amazing job :D
  8. FrankFamily
    • premium
    • 3,627 kudos
    Damn, the armor variants without pauldron don't have enviroment mapping enabled, I'll have to touch those. And the settings on weapons are kinda messy.
    1. RenaPG
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      I think touching the weapons is fine, I don't know of any mesh replacers for those. The armors... Well, if you're going for the metallic look then it can't be helped I guess.
    2. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,627 kudos
      Luckily most of the armor is consistent and has enviroment mapping, gloves and boots don't but the very small metallic bits in the gloves can be fine without. The worse is the pauldronless variants, they didn't add enviro to those but I definitely need for the knee plate that, oddly enough, was kind of leather in vanilla even though to me it seems clearly made to be metal.

      I'm also thinking that once I release this, if I need to touch armor meshes, I could write a concise "click here then click there" style guide on how make any mesh replacer compatible so people can solve those issues by themselves.
  9. Mythos214
    • member
    • 84 kudos
  10. RenaPG
    • premium
    • 72 kudos
    Well, this was unexpected. But certainly awesome. I thought 'Dawn of the Dawnguard' was already pretty good, but this looks amazing.