Wandering Knight

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  1. ChrisKley
    • supporter
    • 121 kudos
    whats the name of that armor?!
    1. Organonmodell
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      Wandering Knight Armor ;) It's part of the Warmonger Armory mod here on Nexus.
    2. Andiflag
      • member
      • 22 kudos
      the armor... yes.. but not the hood with the mask/helmet...
      warmonger's wandering knight has the light dawnguard helmet... you don't happen to know, where the hood with the heavy dawnguard helmet is from?
    3. oprichniki1
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      That hooded dawnguard helmet i believe is from the Inquistor Armor compilation ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25628 )
    4. liemertha
      • supporter
      • 95 kudos
      As Andi amd Organo said, the armor is from Warmonger Armory
      The helmet I modified it myself, removing the light dawnguard helmet and replace it with dawnguard helmet from improved closed helmet (so you can see the eyes ), done by nifskope and bodyslide :D
    5. Andiflag
      • member
      • 22 kudos
      i gotta say man, looks amazing... is there any possibility we could get our hands on your mesh?
    6. liemertha
      • supporter
      • 95 kudos
      Its ingame ready if you already installed Warmonger Armory, tell me if its not working

    7. Andiflag
      • member
      • 22 kudos
      Awesome man! I'm gonna try it as soon as i get home!
      Much appreciated!
    8. Andiflag
      • member
      • 22 kudos
      Works like a charm! thank you so much!
    9. liemertha
      • supporter
      • 95 kudos
      Glad it works, enjoy~
    10. LyXLoK
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I know you probably won't see this but thank you so much for the google drive replacer armor, is all I wanted for so damn long time. Gonna start a new character with your helmet replacer, thank you, thank you so much kind sir
    11. liemertha
      • supporter
      • 95 kudos
      You are welcome, enjoy !
    12. TheKenwaySaga
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Love this helmet but I'm new to modding. After I download this how do I replace the original one from Warmonger Armory? I'm using MO2.
    13. liemertha
      • supporter
      • 95 kudos
      Just install it with MO2, put it below warmonger armory to overwrite it
    14. TheKenwaySaga
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Not sure how I can be getting something this simple wrong but it's not working.
    15. liemertha
      • supporter
      • 95 kudos
      Does the overwrite icon appears when you activate the mod from left pannel?
    16. TheKenwaySaga
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      No it does not.
    17. manueltransmission
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Just wanted to say a big thank you for sharing your helmet edit with us! I used Cathedral Assets Optimizer to convert it to SE, and it looks so awesome!
    18. liemertha
      • supporter
      • 95 kudos
      You are welcome, enjoy ~
  2. Organonmodell
    • supporter
    • 41 kudos
    This armor is fantastic as it is, but FF's retexture makes it even better. Awesome showcase :)
    1. liemertha
      • supporter
      • 95 kudos
      Truly wonderful work from FF, hope to see more from him
      Thanks Organo :D
    2. silvvyy
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO RECREATE THE LOOK FROM THIS CAP FOR LIKE 2 HOURS! who the fart is FF? i cannot find this retexture that fixes warmongers horrible textures I am cry please set help 
    3. Organonmodell
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      I probably meant this retexture.
    4. liemertha
      • supporter
      • 95 kudos
      Helm texture is FrankFamily Dawnguard retexture, the hood is from RUSTIC CLOTHING retexture
  3. Andiflag
    • member
    • 22 kudos
    omg where did you get that headgear from?
    that looks amazing.. the whole outfit does!
    1. liemertha
      • supporter
      • 95 kudos
      Oh its just combined adept mage hood + improved closed dawnguard helmet, done with nifskope to combine it and bodyslide to reduce clipping, as for the armor you can get it at Warmonger Armory :D