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This user's image description contains 7 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. 83Willow
    • premium
    • 1,138 kudos
    Great to see you again my friend! Really beautiful character and portraits! I love her eyes! <3 <3 <3
  2. Xorp
    • premium
    • 50 kudos
    It is absolutely delightful to see you on the nexus again
    My tardiness had nothing to do with a lack of happiness, just been too busy.

    She is looking gorgeous as ever, do you think you will be pulling a short story for us, fans?
  3. Excellentium
    • member
    • 354 kudos
    Glorious return, my friend! Your remarkable women are always both beautiful, determined (not always for a good cause which I very much like) and strong and this goes hand in hand with the fantasy woman the way I see her! Your creations have been an inspiration to me from the day I first lay my eyes upon them. I do have my own style - a bit more sloppy as we both now when it comes to sculpting - but the methods you use and your skills always make me inspired to try reach just a bit further each time I create a new character...and I've done many by now!

    I hope you will find time and peace to stay for a while longer, but also know you never need to apologize for not being around. Your past has made it's mark good enough as it is and given many of us "character creators" something to look up to and fully admire!
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Thanks for the message Rick. I have however continued to follow your work and I must say that many of your characters do not have much to envy to mine. Indeed they are often immersed in magnificent landscapes. Personally I find your sets much more complete and well made. One could safely say that it is now I who should take inspiration from your sets.
      As for me, it's hard not to go back to Skyrim. I think modding has changed my mindset from being a passive player to an active player. It is no coincidence that in addition to skyrim you only play Tabletop Simulator, because both are open environments where users can create and fill with tons free content. There are games with immensely superior graphics out there and even deeper, but virtually no one really allows users to transform them into their own virtual gaming environment. So Skyrim as Fallout continues to keep the fans tied. And it is therefore inevitable that those who appreciate this freedom as being able to put their creativity in the game, continue to return cyclically to this game.
      I will continue to post something here every now and then. Surely if I have a more powerful PC in the near future I will be more stimulated and therefore more present. Thank you for this really welcome message and keep doing the things you do.
  4. lesjones
    • premium
    • 157 kudos
    It is so good to see the return of a real master, Fabrizio,, there is very little more to say other than the fact that you have beauty in your soul and the gift to transmit that same beauty to your creations, not only in your utterly wonderful girls, but also all your very individual and unique creations.

    I sincerely hope to see more of your works here.

    Welcome home,
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Thanks for the message Les and sorry for the delay in the reply, but I do a really heavy job and during the night shifts I am physically devastated.
      In reality it was not so much my intention to return to Skyrim in a short time, but I found some new enb really effective, but that overall can guarantee a much better frame rate. This makes it easier to make shots, although my pc is now inadequate for this kind of hobby. But all in all this is a good time, I changed my house and I have a lot more space and this ends up raising the spirit.
      I'm going to publish something from time to time, and maybe in the future I think to upgrade my PC, so as to fully exploit the potentialities of modsout there
      Thanks again for your really moving "Welcome home".
  5. NeoNord
    • supporter
    • 50 kudos
    Ahhh, such beauty and such a talent for capturing their beauty. It is so good to see you again, we have missed you. Well I have missed you , I really should not presume to speak for others, but based on the number of responses and what they say, I feel confident in saying we missed you. Your talent has obviously not diminished and it seems to me has, in fact, grown. You have always done such a beautiful job with eyes but these are exceptional even for you. So it is intriguing to me that I am most struck by the last shot in which her eyes are closed. No doubt part of the impact is because we so rarely see images with eyes closed but it also because you have captured a private moment. The character is experiencing some emotion, subtly and perhaps for only the briefest of moments but you have caught it forever. It is difficult to say what the emotion is. The inclination of her head indicates it may be fatigue or some sadness or frustration or perhaps even resignation to fate or something but it is a very fine image. Welcome back my friend.
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Thank you very much for this long appreciation message my friend and I apologize for the delay in the reply, but when I do the night shift at work, I'm really not very active. I do not think my skills have grown, I simply think that the qualities of this enb (caffeine) that I'm currently using, enhances some of my characters as in this case.
      The shot that struck you most, was not exactly wanted, but when I opened the console command the character remained with her eyes closed, and then I made the shot capturing the moment, but it is a typical aspect of photography.
      On my current intentions, I think to do some set here, every now and then, I publish something more on flickr, but actually more like demos than as real sets. The big obstacle to a full return is the hardware that I have available that is now too limited. The framerate is low, the resolution is inadequate and playing has become rather frustrating. Moreover, this installation of Skyrim although still works is really messed up, I hope by the end of the year to be able to afford a new PC and finally reinstall the game from the beginning.
      Thank you again very much for this message that really made me so happy.
  6. jumarbye
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    Such beautiful images of your lovely chars
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Thank you very much!
  7. toorhum
    • premium
    • 90 kudos
    always on my top favorite followers for me, the Farvat creations
    Your characters always have a lot of class, perspire sensuality to full skin, tattoos cleverly dosed, delicate to the layout, lighting always treated to highlight them. yes, I think the title of Master is not usurped.
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      What to say? I thank you so much for your compliments and your appreciation. Honestly I'm quite happy with this set, and I convinced myself to go back to post something, because I found some Enbs that finally manage to give new prominence to my characters. But surely I owe a lot to other authors and their advice, in this sense perhaps it is sometimes better to go back to being a student again than to feel like a "teacher" and to perish artistically in an ivory tower.
      Thank you very much Toorhum.
  8. ScottC12
    • member
    • 36 kudos
    The Master is back, with the most provocative women. Endorsed!
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      "Master" is really a big word, there are many users much better than me, but the beauty is also that there is always so much to learn. thank a lot Scott for your comment and appreciation!
  9. gun805
    • premium
    • 86 kudos
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Thank you!
  10. choeli
    • supporter
    • 22 kudos
    I LOVE these two. Gorgeous.
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      thank you so much Choeli! :)