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helmet has been added to the mod :D


    • member
    • 180 kudos
    Someone already did a stargate mod, your mass effect armor is superb, (Shame it's not UNP, but it works with it anyway and it's great), at the end of mass effect three (CAUTION SPOILER IF YOUR STILL PLAYING) were depending on your choice of actions you may blend with the catalyst and rewrite the dna of the galaxy so all biological and synthetic life are homogenouse becoming organic machines, would'nt it be good if there were some way to bring more mass effect into the game, like a ruined ship half buried in an old abandoned tombe you could even create a alternative explanation for the magic such as element zero and the re writing of the dna were skyrim could be set far in the future, after all though not lore friendly skyrim has steam punk dwemer which to be fair could be better (maybe a race of half biological slave falmer female's using your armor dormant but awakend from the dwemer ruins near the ship).
    • member
    • 180 kudos
    Someone already did a stargate mod, your mass effect armor is superb, (Shame it's not UNP, but it works with it anyway and it's great), at the end of mass effect three (CAUTION SPOILER IF YOUR STILL PLAYING) were depending on your choice of actions you may blend with the catalyst and rewrite the dna of the galaxy so all biological and synthetic life are homogenouse becoming organic machines, would'nt it be good if there were some way to bring more mass effect into the game, like a ruined ship half buried in an old abandoned tombe you could even create a alternative explanation for the magic such as element zero and the re writing of the dna were skyrim could be set far in the future, after all though not lore friendly skyrim has steam punk dwemer which to be fair could be better (maybe a race of half biological slave falmer female's using your armor dormant but awakend from the dwemer ruins near the ship).
  3. ElPitooo
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    nice, i like it