11th Theme - The Riddle of Steel

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  1. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 179 kudos
    Always nice to see another Conan fan. Nice set for the theme.
    1. Darkbladewriter
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      Thanks - yes, that film was and still is one of my all-time favourites. Thought the theme was perfect.
  2. Excellentium
    • member
    • 357 kudos
    That's very kind of Freyda, posing for some shots while doing her sword exercises! I believe her training session will fit right in with the rest of the contributions for the 11 theme, so make sure to give her my thanks!

    Who knows? Maybe one of the upcoming themes will have her put on her adventuring gear once again and we will see even more of her!
    1. Darkbladewriter
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      Well she was very happy to do it when I mentioned your name. Seems she's something of a fan of yours. I'll pass on your thanks, and if you want her to take part in another of your themes ask and I'll make sure she gets the message.
  3. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 335 kudos
    Oh ... this is a wonderful idea to recover Freyda from her "holidays" as the dragonborn and to let show her the true swords Great contribution to the theme and that you were on boat with us
    1. Darkbladewriter
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      Pleasure, Blackmaid. I tried to do something just a little different, so an 'interview' with Freyda seemed to be that little piece of difference
  4. frank213
    • premium
    • 830 kudos
    beautiful set to Rick his new theme Darkblade.
    Nice that you also participate in it, I like very well.
    1. Darkbladewriter
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      Thank you Frank Took a lot of thought and courage to finally do it!
  5. gurleygirl
    • premium
    • 395 kudos
    Awesome accompanying video.
    Brilliant immersive take on the theme in the context of Skyrim.
    Beautiful clear poses reveal lovely details.
    Dual wielding a Blades katana and Dawnbreaker is highly appropriate.
    Well done!!
    1. Darkbladewriter
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      Yes I must admit to having a massive weakness for that Conan film, to me it was the best of all that genre of films, including LoTR. you won't get better than that, ever. They tried a remake of it a few years back and it was utterly sh*t.

      So happy you loved the submission and Freyda definitely enjoyed posing. She never really got much into dual wielding but maybe something she ought to go for.
  6. GinaN
    • premium
    • 17 kudos
    Good to see her again.
    Nicely done.
    Are those the lamentations of the Dominion I hear?
    1. Darkbladewriter
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      Thanks - yes she's not gone, just taking a break. Seriously, she could make a reappearance in the future. And the lamentations are indeed of the Dominion.
  7. ajhardy
    • premium
    • 94 kudos
    Wonderfully done! A seriously great set of images that are a break from your normal story telling mode. Great concept!
    1. Darkbladewriter
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      Thanks - took me a long time to come up with this spin on the theme, seeing so many great entries already.