Lights on the Horizon

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This user's image description contains 18 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    Your imagery and words are very beautifull . Very much a set in the style that fits you like a glove,...

    Flickr,.. hmmm,.. not sure yet, but for now I have nothing to worrie yet, since I have around 500 images there.
    I will slectively upload images to Flickr to prolongue the process, but when I reach the 1000 images, I'll decide what to do.
    I have another free site where I upload my bigger sets and they have no limitations, but it's for storage purely.
    On flickr I still have contacts I'd like to keep,... (this sounds like I'm going to pay,.. but I'll have to get that pass the missis first,.. )
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Aww, that is such a lovely phrasing! Thank you.

      Could you tell me what other site do you use? I don't really need anything fancy, just a place to store my little screenlings.
    2. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Yes, I can
      Here is a link to it. It's nothing fancy, but it get's the job done and does have has some handy features also.
    3. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Thanks a bunch, I'll check it out!
  2. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    Wow nice surprise and fantastic story. Love this:

    Somewhere on the open sky the stars blinked.
    Stars. Fairy lights. Eyes of gods.

    A superb story and you always do so well with the imagery (images and metaphors), the emotions of the characters, and the mental twists and turns of your characters.

    I was too annoyed by SmugMug to really want to give the satisfaction of paying. I think they should have locked accounts from uploading over 1000 images and only unlocked if paid. And if no activity on the account after a year then purged. Or something beyond - pay us money or we will delete your work. They also made it very clear they are for photographers not screen artists or imagery beyond photos.

    Unfortunately Flickr is pretty much the best service for managing images. In the end I deleted just over 13,000+ images and 7 years of work. I have my images down to about 250 now. I also created an Imgur account which I will probably use for story images and the like. Flickr, for now, I am using for selected images. I am also debating just making some dummy accounts on Flickr to host things.

    In the end you get what you pay for (free) and I don't blame them for not wanting to be the Internets image storage attic. But how they approached the whole thing really annoyed me. Over it now though. Funny thing is I have been a premium member in the past and was thinking about doing it again as a way to show appreciation ... then they did this.

    Ah well sometimes purging is a good thing even though it means 90% of my posts on Nexus now have lots of white blocks with an X in them where I once had images. Only my posts back to September are still around I think.
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Thank you! I didn't really move the action forward per se, but I needed a set separating the two stories linked to each other (Children of Ever After and the upcoming one - or, at least, the one that is supposed to appear next if I find time to write it).

      I understand the emotional response to the new management; the change was so abrupt, not to mention their marketing really failed at making it look appealing. I got annoyed, too.
      I'm sorry to hear you deleted so much of your work - they may have been just screenshots, but the sentimental value cannot be measured. I don't have as many images as you did (only about 5,000), so maybe I'll manage to transfer them somewhere else before the time is up. I'll see.
  3. wadelycan
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    Excellent chapter and I love the emotion your characters always show in the images.

    I will wind up paying for Flickr as well. The free 1TB had to end eventually and I have way too much stuff on there linked up to move.
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Thank you very much!

      That's exactly my line of thinking. I just don't want to lose my screenlings - it would ruin all my sets, not to mention the sentimental value they have. So, if I don't figure out anything else, I'll close my eyes, clench my teeth, and pay up
  4. Lee5Lee
    • supporter
    • 65 kudos
    Wonderful new chapter, so soft and tender! I love how your heroes always changing, showing themselves from different sides and angles, that makes them so real and alive ^_^

    About Flickr, I was always on Imgur; my Flickr account is pretty much abandoned...
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Thank you! I wanted a bit more tenderness here, since the things may turn a bit grim soon... if I find time to write the rest, I mean.
      Imgur, huh? Gotta take a look around there.
  5. gmg2dave
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    Another wonderful story and I am so pleased that she got her eyesight back. Much easier to find the murderers and bring them to justice when you can see them y'know.

    As for Flickr? I dunno, I have only about 350 images or so on their, but I do know I lost a ton of images when ImageShack did the same thing. So, might pay, but more likely, I'll just host 'em all on DeviantArt.
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Ha, haven't thought about it this way! She's not really in the murderers-hunting business, but who knows...

      I'm thinking about changing the hosting site (dA is not an option though: I don't want a gallery, I just want a dumpster for my screenies ) - but transferring 5,000 images is not my favourite thing to do in my free time We shall see, I guess.
  6. Kudix2627
    • supporter
    • 17 kudos
    What is good when, you have food and drink and a warm blanket at 3 am in the morning

    All the above and with your beautifully epic writing and illustrations, im reading this and im sooo immersed, GIVE ME MORE O.O!!!!
    I cant decide on a favorite because they all are soooo good, therefore they all are my favorite
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Awww, thank you ever so much!
  7. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,113 kudos
    Always such beautiful writing and illustrations
    I don't use Flickr very often but still I wouldn't pay $50 per year.
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Thank you!
      I'm not a fan of paying for what used to be free, either But I'm more concerned with the abruptness of the changes and the attitude of the new managment. We just can't have nice things, can we?
  8. Imrazon
    • premium
    • 63 kudos
    Very nice and poetic story complemented through beautiful images.

    Flickr: Not happy at all with the change. And the way they did it tells me, if you are no photographer you are not welcome.
    I have about 800 images there and when I look how many storage I use, I can see that I use 0,0 % from 1TB. Next year the same images will make out 80% from what I'm allowed to.
    The size of images vary. So I took 100 images to calculate the average size my images have (1920x1080 jpg). The result was 757kB. For easier calculating lets say 1MB. So 1000 images will make nearly 1 GB storage.
    That means at the end:
    Actually I have to pay when I want to use more than 1 TB storage.
    Next year I have already to pay when I want to use more than 1 GB storage.
    So in the long run I will leave Flickr.
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Yeah, I was considering leaving, too. But the mere thought of transferring all my images to another site gives me goosebumps, and not the good kind. Also, Flickr was always so comfortable to use! I hope I'll figure this out soon.
  9. bits01
    • premium
    • 183 kudos
    Finally all my deleting on Flickr payed off :)
    I'm the kind of guy that keeps deleting stuff because I do not like it anymore. Sometimes within five minutes. For the few series I have here on the Nexus I have a second account on Flickr. Works for me. You can have 50 series of this size on such an account.

    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Yeah, creating other accounts would definitely be an option. Thing is, I don't really want to lose the 5,000 screenies I already have on Flickr (I've always used it for hosting rather than showcasing my stuff). There is still time to consider my options, though, so maybe I'll think something up.
  10. ajhardy
    • premium
    • 94 kudos
    No words to describe how much I love this story and the images.
    1. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      Aww, I'm so glad to hear that! Thank you very much.