Blanket Scarf Mod HD - fancy patterns Alpha 1

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I'm playing around with some "fancy-patterns" - patterns that are a little too decorative, neat and "high-born" for my own taste. 

But when working with stuff outside of my own aesthetic, I tend to find something interesting and new to draw from. If nothing else, it makes me a little more guided towards expressing my own sensibilities.

I like really worn-down, "savage", sea-drenched, faded, barely-there, barely-a-color-and-caked-in-mud types of textiles for this mod, but if I were to pick just those types of textures, there would probably not be much differentiation between each individual texture. So I'm trying to branch out a little. 

The top-left (and bottom right) texture will probably be part of the final release, though. It's the same texture, and it's very beautiful in just about any shade of color I can make it. It was one of my favorites from the original release. I used a free version of it back then, and have now purchased a HD-version of the texture (at a very affordable price; well under a US dollar), so I'd like to include it in some way. 

If there are any particular pattern-heavy-textures from the original release that you want me to include, let me know. Chances are that I can make it look very sharp and beautiful.