Christmas Bulbs Resource - Primtive Style

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These are essentially most of the models I've gotten as far as simple bulbs go in the "primitive" folder. The idea is to have a lot of bulbs and other decorations that fit the world by using its vanilla textures, and just tweaking them a bit color-wise. 

All textures in this resource will be vanilla, but some will look more fancy than others (use of gold, level of sheen, crystal-detailing, etc), but I  thought it would make sense to focus a bit on "grounded" aesthetics, because it's so easy to make something "fancy" and contemporary. 

Still, even here there are some bright colors, but they use materials like the Dawnguard-expansion wine bottle to make them fit a bit better. 

Still on track to have a release sometime today (thursday). Want to make a few more items in the primitive category. Have some ideas about using shells that the pearls come in as a decorative item, and simple wood pebbles instead of pearls for in the "pearls on string" model. 

Also thinking about how to make a modular "christmas-light" rope with filled soul gems tied to a rope, that you can position as you want (hanging them over a door, or linking them together to wrap around the tree)