Elegance on Sunday 11

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  1. vandal888
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Whew! Think that just about sez it all! Stylin' might cover it too! Very different look, but no complaints!

    Nicely done, Dib!!!
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Thank you! It's not my typical style for Thalia but somebody wanted to see this outfit on her and I obliged :)
  2. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 184 kudos
    Hey there Dylan, I love these images
    beaut work mate!!!
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Thank you, Michael!
  3. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    Awesome shots, she looks so stylish and beautiful!
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      I agree! Thank you, Nataly :]
  4. Klaxoid
    • member
    • 193 kudos
    Looking great Dylan!
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Thanks, Will!
  5. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,137 kudos
    Very nice captures Dylan
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Thank you, Izzy ^-^
  6. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Great looking images Dylan,.. that outfit looks great on her,.. elegant for sure.
    It does seem awfully tight around the middle
    1. ajhardy
      • premium
      • 94 kudos
      The tightness around the middle is the function of a corset.
    2. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Thank you, Erwin, it's a pretty cool outfit.
      I didn't bother to reshape it to her body for just this photo set, so it's pretty tight in a few places lol. Especially the thighs :p
    3. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 151 kudos
      @ Ajhardy ,.. yes I know,.. and that's why I very much have pity with ladie's who wear these corsets. I can imagine it's not a pleasure to wear
    4. kozakowy
      • premium
      • 1,109 kudos
      There are many myths about corsets and they may appear as an uncomfortable instrument of torture to people who haven't worn or seen a bespoke corset. It's because they have a strong cultural connection to womens suffering over the history.
      I can say from my own experience that (apart from the cultural meaning) a properly fitted corset may emphasise the figure gently and quite comfortably without any pain. Of course there is always some pressure on the body involved and not all people like it
      You have to remember that corsetry doesn't mean tight lacing which is in fact a serious body modification (going under 22" waist) and yes - it can be harmful and extremely uncomfortable.
      This outfit of mine (if unmodified) is around 24" at waist, which is infact close to standard XS waist, so it's possible that it would be quite comfortable to wear for a slim person

      If you're interested more in this I'd recommend this gal talking the subject quite broadly

      PS. As for the images I think that Dib edited the figure a bit so it might look a bit more exaggerated or it also may be an effect of the twisted pose. All in all corsets aren't that scary as they seem
    5. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      No mesh edits, the twist in her hips just exaggerate it for that main image. It looks more natural in-game :]
    6. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 151 kudos
      @ kozakowy ,.. Very interesting stuff, and thanks for linkin' that conversation .
      I'm far from knowledgable about the subject but do remember reading and seeing stuff in documentary's about corset and the way many women were "forced" to wear them , even if that meant extreme discomfort. The way you describe modern corsetry seems more natural to me and if worn out of free will with minor discomfort not even worth this comment
      I did refer to the ones where the discomfort is pretty obvious, so thanks again for clearing some things up and learning me soomething I did not know
    7. kozakowy
      • premium
      • 1,109 kudos
      Thanks for your comment Erwin. The documentaries often like to spice things up just like the story of Katarina The Great and her sexual intercourses with horses ;P. The thing is you're also right mentioning the 19 century oppression on women and that they mostly had to dress as the fashion dictated. Luckily we have a choice now have a great week!
    8. ajhardy
      • premium
      • 94 kudos
      In the recent PBS/BBC series "Victoria", there is an emphasis on the fact that she had well fitted corsets for her to wear early in her pregnancies (all 9 of them). Her dressers were very aware of the need to switch them out. "Perhaps another corset, Your Majesty?"
  7. arghTease
    • premium
    • 210 kudos

    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      I agree! :p
  8. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    Well, she definitely rocks the outfit, excellent set, Dibb!
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Thank you, Pat!
  9. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 160 kudos
    Thalia and this outfit totally work! Awesome look! Say thanks for me to whoever requested Steampunk for her!
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      @ajhardy lol
      Thanks, CMH! I altered her makeup a little to suit the look as well :p
    2. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 160 kudos
      Doh! I should have known that! Thanks for the fast reponse, and again - great set!

      @ajhardy - Thanks!!
  10. RaenielCuthalion
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    I love this look! It's so severe but so majestic. Can you tell me more about her story? She's unique and lovely!
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Unfortunately she's one of the few characters of mine that has basically 0 backstory lol. But I play her as a mix of a WoW druid and hunter, so archery, living off the land, animals as companions etc. I originally made her as a challenge to myself of making a pretty Wood Elf :p (you can check out This old post if that creation process interests you)
      Thank you, Raeniel!