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This user's image description contains 26 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. frank213
    • premium
    • 830 kudos
    excellent work of wonderful pictures Dylan.
    There is something for every taste, everything absolutely brilliant staged. m0117.gif

    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      That's the idea! :D
      Thank you, Frank!
  2. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,143 kudos
    Great looking game and beauties Dylan :)
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Thank you, Izzy!
  3. deleted18837759
    • account closed
    • 105 kudos
    All your characters are very beautiful, Dylan,but so are the landscapes! Amazing set! ))) <3
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Thank you, Andrushka! Glad you liked them :D
  4. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    Wonderful set, Dylan! The girls look gorgeous and your landscapes are lovely.
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Appreciate the kind comment, Pat, thank you!
  5. CuteAsDuck1
    • supporter
    • 285 kudos
    Like the caption lol. Great set Dylan, also like the various shots you captured.
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      I take a hyper-literal approach to my random uploads haha
      Thank you, Andy! ^-^
  6. Klaxoid
    • member
    • 193 kudos
    Very nice set Dylan. I really enjoy your landscape shots! You ladies are gorgeous as always as well
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Thank you, Will! I've tried to improve the most with those recently. It's a very different subject to work with than characters and I feel like my DoF is more suited for it anyway.
  7. gordon21121964
    • premium
    • 103 kudos
    G'day mate , what a wonderful set of images , and the size doesn't matter as long as they are
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Lmao thanks for the gif, Gordon, I agree with the sentiment ;P
      Thank you!
  8. Excellentium
    • member
    • 357 kudos
    Lovely shots, Dylan! Nice to see some details of the ground and grass from your gameworld. I also find the vertical shot of the stone house with the door very appealing, the angle is really great for that tall picture.

    If we discuss your ladies, I must admit Brienna is my favorite too - with a hard competition from the Redguard (?) seen last in your set - but that's probably because I do have a bunch of blond Nord warmaidens in my character gallery that I really like. These fierce women makes me feel at home I guess!
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      It's mostly through dumb luck of picking texture mods, but I absolutely love the way my Rift looks. All of the pale green grass and fall leaves just look too cool, so I spend an inordinate amount of time looking at the ground there lol. And most places it looks like >.<
      Well those two (Brienna and Leila the Redguard) are my two hand to hand combat characters, so at least you found a common theme!
      Thank you for the kind comment, Rick, I appreciate it!
  9. User_6335173
    • account closed
    • 59 kudos
    Great pics Dib. If your ladies become mothers, their children will never be hungry
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Yeah my girls tend to range from busty to... huge lol. I Hope that isn't a problem? :p
    2. User_6335173
      • account closed
      • 59 kudos
      They are still in realistic probabilities, no problem
    3. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      barely haha
  10. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 160 kudos
    Awesome images... and now I seek some information... if and when you have the time - and if not, no worries! All your characters look great, but I really like this one

    1) Maybe I am tired, but what is this one? It looks kind of like a Spriggan, but they don't look like this in my game! Awesome!

    2) I love that Winking Skeever sign! Mod please, if you have that info handy!

    Also, that image after the Winking Skeever sign is incredibly realistic looking!

    Fantastic set!
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      That character is my Nord heavy weapons character, Brienna. She seems to be a fan favorite :p
      1. I'm not 100% sure but the only creatures mod I have installed is Immersive Creatures so it's most likely from there.
      2. That sign is from one of my favorite little mods. It replaces every sign you can think of in the game. Some of them are a bit silly but they're really unique and fun.
      Thank you, CMH!
    2. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 160 kudos
      Well, you can add me to to her fan list - Brienna is great! And... Thank you! Immersive creatures isn't something I can tackle at the moment... But I must have been in a pre-Christmas fog, because I missed that sign mod when it came out - and I had been looking into changing signs. Since that is simply a texture replacer, that just got downloaded! Thanks so much for the quick response and information!
    3. ajhardy
      • premium
      • 94 kudos
      Brienna is my fave also. I will just tag in here, gorgeous pics. I said, "Oh my!" out loud several times according to my granddaughter.
    4. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 312 kudos
      Haha thanks, AJ! That's cute ^-^