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This user's image description contains 4 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. vandal888
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Greetings, Cloud stalker! Another amazing armor shot: with Brianne's looks, and that weapon, I'd probably surrender and just throw myself on her mercy!

    Oh, and I visited your Flickr page: wow, what a collection! Some very creative images on there, and tons more than Nexus: Very impressed!!
    1. cloudstalker7
      • member
      • 41 kudos
      OwO! Thank you very much vandal888! Brianne is '' hit first then ask question after'' type of personality. But she is trained hard, she will not harm you unless you make her mad. So if you will be fine.

      Thank you very much for spending your time to visit my Flickr! Really appreciated! Since Nexus have 5 picture limit upload per day, I upload most of my pictures on my Flickr and more active there and my Twitter. Also I cannot post something NSFW here. XD