Shadow Legion - Journey to the Alduin sacrifice site

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  1. Xorp
    • premium
    • 50 kudos
    Thought masks were only needed if you leave survivors

    Looks really cool!
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      A shrewd joke, but already you have unfortunately seen their face, so I am sorry but they will visit you. Sorry nothing personal. : P

      Thank you very much and sorry for the late reply.
  2. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Nice adventure set Fabrizio and some good action! I worry about what is waiting ahead of that macabre room of death though.
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Thanks for the comment Patrick. The nature of this scarificale event remains mysterious for a long time, but the idea is that the return of Alduin does not happen by itself but is the result of a plot. In the game everything remains rather vague, which saves Bethesda from developing the story better, but I think there would be room for many more insights into the whole story.
  3. NeoNord
    • supporter
    • 50 kudos
    Oh my friend, a wonder you have wrought. I must admit , I made a mistake when first I went through this sublime tale.I scrolled through, marveling at the images and the artistry but also knowing that there was a grand tale of which this was perhaps the herald. The mistake was, I did not start the music. Having completed a first perusal, I went back to the beginning to relish the sequence once again, slowly. I started the music. I was transported. I still wonder to where but I have since gone back again and again. There was a part of me that said, " which do I thank him most for, the visual or the music" As soon as I ask myself that question the answer became obvious. They are not separate, they are one; that is why he sent them together. It is a blessing I hope everyone will partake of. It is the best I have seen and heard here. It takes a special percipience to combine separate artworks into a cohesive, artistic opus of this measure and you have achieved that in full measure. The depictions of the draugr are without peer as are the battle scenes with multiple magic effects enacted more or less simultaneously. I admit also that there is a part of me that almost wishes I had not seen the faces of the Shadow Legion members. The use of the masks was a creative jewel and exceedingly well done. So well I almost wish I did not learn of their identity. A part of me wants them to remain unknown, mysterious and mythic. But that is more my peculiar idiosyncrasy rather than any kind of imperfection in your tale. It is a marvel of visual and musical storytelling that takes us on a truly "Magical Mystery Tour" Molti Ringraziamenti ! (my apologies for my pitiful Italian, it has been many years since I was there)
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Thanks for a long and very interesting comment and excuse for delays in the answer, but I am not a native English speaker and I spend some time writing the answers to the comments, unfortunately I am always rather behind in answering.
      At first I had some difficulty thinking of not revealing their faces, currently I tend, when I play, to do it less. Given that they are an operational body in any case in the service of the empire, this mysterious character I think is more acceptable, although at least the commander often tends to reveal her face or to present herself with the armor of the penitus oculatus to make her more socially acceptable, this both with her superiors and with people with whom she has diplomatic relations.
      The sect asks its members to renounce individuality, a renunciation that the human being is not always completely willing to do, there is also that conflictual aspect that I think is interesting because behind the masks there is no monolithic group but individuals with their conflicts and psychologies.
      The issue of the faction's mysterious nature is still preserved because the Shadow Legion, however, remains behind the scenes at least at the beginning of the game, as the progressive and political wing of the Mythic Dawn.
      This is certainly the most ambitious campaign that has been played with skyrim so far, and it also requires the possibility of following rather varied narrative lines but simultaneously playing with more characters, taking advantage of the fact that you can change your physical appearance and gender (but not the race , although the problem is circumventable), without causing repercussions on the hero's characteristics.
      Music is certainly a very important aspect and plays a big role in creating the right atmosphere, so I'm happy to have found a suitable song.
      Thanks again for the comment and your Italian is good.
  4. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 309 kudos
    I like that they wear those masks to hide their faces, it fits so well with the secret society vibe you've got going with these 4.
    Cool set, Fabrizio. Those last images are intriguing but I'm a little confused as to what's going on. Is this a mystery for the next episode or would you care to enlighten me? :)
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      I wanted to start a campaign with this faction, the Shadow Legion, which is a sect linked to the Mythic Dawn, but with much more political and progressive veins, which does not want a paradise out of the world, but conspires to achieve heaven on earth, in practice these are the proto-revolutionary socialists of the elder scrolls universe. Although part of the Panitus Oculatus, they conspire against the emperor to assassinate him and set up a republic.
      In this mission, after having done a reconnaissance to Helgen to investigate the mysterious dragon that ruined the elimination of Ulfric (captured by them), the group discovers that in Riverwood some thieves have robbed the merchant of a strange artifact, a claw of dragon. The group, however, misses the main game road, and goes into a nearby tomb, once part of the vast complex on the mountain. Here they discover that the bandits are actually a heretical sect of the ancient monoteistic Alessian Order, who have committed a terrible mass suicide. The event seems like a ritual that has not only awakened the dead, but perhaps it is part of a series of rituals linked to the mysterious black dragon.
      Thank you very much for the comment and interest.
    2. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 309 kudos
      I love blending in-game lore in to your own story lines, it sounds awesome!
      Thanks for taking the time ^-^
  5. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Fabulous set of action-packed shots and the area in those last few is downright creepy looking.
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Thank you very much Pat.
  6. Klaxoid
    • member
    • 193 kudos
    Impressive, especially the last scenes wit the bodies. Great set my friend
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Many thanks Will.
  7. wadelycan
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    Those sacrifices are creepy! More like hand-placed sculptures than regular remains. Really liked the hooded masks and the combat was very well done
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      If I want to be honest, I placed them by hand with the console, the effect with the mist that hovered was guaranteed. Glad that you enjoyed the set, maybe in the future I will introduce this mysterious faction properly with a minimum of text.
  8. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    Excellent Fabrizio although I liked the original main image first that you did. I had bookmarked it to read later but saw you took it down and went with a more visual approach. I think the images came out evocative with those charred masses around the center fire. The team looks formidable and liked how you outfitted them all.
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      I'm sorry for the cancellation of the previous set, but I didn't find it satisfactory, at least in terms of images, and in fact there was no interest in it. I wanted to make a second version today but I realized that I had not saved the text. So I opted for the visual chronicle of my first real mission of this new Skyrim campaign, but I didn't have time to do a text, which maybe even small would have helped to clarify the story.
      I seem to have finally found an outfit suitable for this faction, and the idea of the hoods, but above all the masks, makes them threatening and depersonalizes their character giving that shady dimension that characterizes their ambiguity. Because if on the one hand they serve the Penitus Oculatus, on the other they work secretly to overthrow the empire and proclaim a republic. Besides, this is the progressive wing of the Mythic Dawn.
      In their first mission they explore a tomb near Riverwood discovering that it is occupied by a degenerate sect of the Alessian order, which committed mass suicide, perhaps in order to summon the dragon Akatosh and reach eternal life; but the cult leader was deceived and ends up contributing to the great Rite to summon Alduin, while their bodies mutate into blocks of ice or stone. I wanted an alternative beginning to the main story and I placed the corpses all around with the console, obtaining what I had imagined to find, that is a mass suicide like some times happened for some millenarian cults. This set was born from there.
      I honestly abandoned the idea of making long texts as in the past, it would be nice to explain, the story of this faction which is probably the most developed, but as much as you would read it only you and a few others, but for me the writing time is really heavy and long and now that I have a suitable PC I also like to play, also because now it's quite stable. I should find a new formula. Moreover, the fact is that here, or you put the usual girl with all the erotic winks of the case or simply the set is almost ignored. The only alternative is to make shots of landscapes, but I'm not really good at that and besides my specificity goes in other directions, which are not those of the artistic screeshooting, in which I am really not very skilled.
      Thank youvery for your comment, and your support my friend. Really appreciated!
    2. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thanks for the added details and filling in some of the missing text. Aye people seem less interested in text these days and want just images. Ah well I try to do what I enjoy and try not to let it change what I post, although I do post a bit less often than I did. Course game is old and I run out of things to post or do. Wulver, at least, is a bit different character wise so that has helped me find a new way to look at the game - but that is more about play style.

      I should add a few things on your post. The music was a nice choice - moving and dramatic. I do enjoy audiomachine and that music can really add to a post. The other main shot you had - one thing I liked was the composition of the 4. For example the first guy on the left is clearly the muscle - a hardened, big, thick, powerful man judging from the broadness of his face, the bare arms, the brawny build, the brutal eyes - solid, lifeless, cold. The other guy, with the highly arched brows and sardonic look to him seems more the intelligent one - thief, mage, archer maybe. More quick and agile. Likewise the two women seem to be a similar pairing - one a larger more solid warrior type and the main one who gets the most face time being the smarter more agile one. Just impressions.

      Mask sure do depersonalize. I guess that is why I have never liked masks - in game or real life. They hide too much. Removes accountability. Removes recognition.. But fitting I assume based on what you wrote.

      Anyhow enjoy the play time. I am doing the same and doing less shots and stories although I certainly post when the mood hits or I take a few shots I like.
  9. etaineleanor
    • supporter
    • 115 kudos
    Wonderful Set.
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Thanks and glad to see a comment from you.
  10. skywolle
    • premium
    • 172 kudos
    a wonderful set with beautiful pictures, close-ups, and cool fighting scenes
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Thank you so much for your kind words!