Shadow Legion - Civil War randoms

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  1. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Great action shots Fabrizio. This set captures an assault of this team very well.
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Thank you very much, Patrick.
  2. bison1967
    • premium
    • 214 kudos
    Beautifully and meticulously crafted action scenes combined with a very interesting narrative to boot! I also like the look of the horses in these shots. If I may ask, which horse mod did you use for this set?
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Thank you for your appreciation. Then the horse mods used are the classic "Covenient Horses" combined with another mod that modifies the skeleton and the animation "Heartland Horses".
    2. bison1967
      • premium
      • 214 kudos
      Thank you very much for the quick and informative reply, Farvat!
  3. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    I haven't seen a clannfear since I last played Oblivion. Looks really cool! Terrific set of images and love the mounted combat shots.
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Yes the model is good and comes from a dedicated Mihail mod. I conjure up a couple of them when things go wrong. I use some mods that multiply the number of enemies, and even a large number of followers are sometimes not enough.
      Thank you for the appreciation, Pat.
  4. Klaxoid
    • member
    • 193 kudos
    Truly outstanding mounted combat pics Fabrizio! That mask works so well for inspiring menace and was that a clannfear I saw ?
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Yes it is a clannfear and comes from a special Miahial mod, which places both in the summoners and in the player a spell to conjure them. Miahil is not always the best in terms of balance and many of his mods are unplayable in terms of difficulty, but some mods are really good.
      Thankk you so much friend!
  5. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    That is a great story,... I like the idea of special forces with special powers. It adds some kind of mystery to the whole setting you created. Myth and legend meet somewhere in the middle here.
    Great shots, and those masks work surely intimidating .
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Thanks for the comment. The Larvae can be seen as a secret refoundation of the Blades, but in reality they are exactly the opposite. They are a group, a sort of small private army, on which the penitus oculatus has little control, and which is part of a secret esoteric sect, the refounded Shadow Legion (which is very reminiscent of Freemasonry) which does not want to defend at all, the imperial order but bring it down. The fact that they wear metallic masks also has another meaning, it veils back to the Mythic Dawn Sect. You're just watching the tip of the iceberg, it's what's underwater that counts. This new Skyrim campaign turns everything upside down, making me play on the side of those who in the saga have always been considered the bad guys, and who instead have their reasons.
  6. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    Cool introduction to the post - enjoyed the details on this dark and infamous cavalry and I am sure they use all the rumors and gossip to their advantage, to make themselves seem even more unstoppable. Did a nice job on the battle scenes. I really liked this shot - as the dark tones helped make it stand out while adding to the context of who they are as described by your text:
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      I am very happy with this skyrim campaign played with the Shadow Legion. Furthermore, as I play the faction comes to life, and is very versatile. On the one hand, Skyrim, thanks also to special mods, focuses more on war, on the other, thanks to its hidden side, it allows me to finally deal with Dark Brotherhood, becoming part of it.
      The horse is an important aspect in this faction because every army is the reflection of a socio-political background. The imperial army is based (like that of ancient Rome) on infantry generally composed of plebeians, while cavalry is an auxiliary body, which enlists the feudal aristocracy of Breton origin, held together with great difficulties by religion, in those which are effectively holy or crusading wars. The cavalry of the legion is a small body of explorers who, during the great war with the thalmor, end up with a shortage of forces, to perform roles of heavy cavalry, ending up by reverberating, much more agile, flexible on a tactical level, obtaining surprising successes . The knights charge frontally and never retreat because it is dishonorable to do so, they do not use bows because throwing weapons are dishonorable, they follow their rules, they rival each other, and often they do not execute orders of the generals. The great war marks the sunset of the knights, and the legion discovers that he no longer needs them so much. Combined with the rise of the bourgeois class of merchants, who demand political power and want to assert themselves as a new aristocracy, the feudal Breton world enters a crisis together with an empire that no longer has the sacral anointing of the blood of Akatosh, and has disavowed its main patron deity. In this scenario. Xholia leads her small army of outcasts. convincing them that by giving up their ego, wearing a mask and a hood, they can shape a world in their image and make history, through a revolution that is what Merunhes Dagon commands. Dagon is the essence of the revolution, which always fails, but which inevitably transforms the world by bringing into play the forces that the power of the order would like to chain and that instead the chaos with its magmatic vitality pushes forward, towards the risky path that it's called progress.
      I agree with you, I also find suggestive, the image that struck you, also because it communicates the depersonalization that is a characteristic trait, and that definitely goes against the current, I have many beautiful characters and what do I do? I put them all behind a mask and make them all the same.
      Thank you very much Jonathan.
  7. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 309 kudos
    Really nice job capturing this battle, particularly the mounted combat looks really seamless. Those poor grounded stormcloaks didn't stand much of a chance against this squad.
    But how are you just going to drop that alien looking thing in for one shot without explaining what it is? haha
    Great set, Fabrizio
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Thanks Dylan. The alien is indeed an old acquaintance of the times of Oblivion, that is a Clannfear, a daedrica war beast, coming from the plan of the Deadlands, that is that of Merhunes Dagon. The evocation of these daedra is illegal as considered Witchcraft, but as I mentioned in the description these auxiliaries of the legion evoke them with a certain lightness. At stake when things go wrong, and despite having many followers, there are also many more enemies than the norm, a pair of these dear little lizards, often making the difference between reloading the game and continuing unharmed.
      On this faction I like to leave an aura of mystery.