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This user's image description contains 20 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.
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Many thanks, my friend!
Thanks a lot, dear Cat!
A cool outfit for your archer is that,.. the third from below,... she's also a great looking character.\
Can't remember seeing her before,....
The elf archer has been shown before, but it's been very rarely. I haven't done a travel with her, so she has only appeared in a few shots here and there and also for an Elegance on Sunday, because of that neat looking armor - Vogue Rogue Armor.
The best way to describe a LUT is by calling it a lens filter. It mostly comes with some extorted colour palette, stronger contrast, changed saturation or even muted tints. It's more or less a premade tweak that you can use "on the fly" without having to fiddle with the GUI settings of the ENB. It's very easy to use since you only need to check the LUT you want in a scroll list included in the ENB GUI.
If you're good at what you're doing and know how to tweak an ENB, the LUT can still be a nice addition for some variety, but to me it's an essential displacer since I'm lousy at tweaking ENB's. That's more or less the reason to why I use LUT's - the simplicity and the grand diversity of different atmospheres already "shaped" for screenarchery.
Some ENB's already have a few LUT's included, such as Snapdragon ENB or Caffeine ENB. Some can use LUT's if they're added, while others don't work that well with them. It's a bit of a test and try to see what will roll your way, so to speak. I'm using Caffeine ENB along with a mod called RevoLUTion which was entirely made for the possibility to add more variety. How to install them is explained on the mod page, so I recommend looking there, because the author does it a whole lot better than me. It's a very basic procedure though.
I've taken thousands upon thousands of screenshots since 2015 when I started playing modded Skyrim and at first I more or less went for realism in my choice of ENB. But after so many adventures - and screenshots - the LUT's certainly changed my view of this dear old game. With each LUT, it's like a whole new world again. Some might not look good all the time, but I can assure you, there will always be interesting results. That's the reason I want them included in my ENB - they simply add so much variety and since you can easily switch as you play. I'm using Caffeine ENB along with RevoLUTion and this gives me about 55-56 LUT's to pick from - in-game - without any tiresome tweaking, so it won't hold your momentum of playing the game back. Upon all this, you can also still fiddle with the ENB as usual with any LUT selected which brings you to even more unique colour/contrast setups.
That's really the best I can do in describing a LUT, but often images themselves tell this a lot better, so again, check out the RevoLUTion mod page, to see examples of each LUT and what they will do. No need to feeling stupid either, if we don't ask, we shall not learn...
It stands for LookUpTabel . So , you can pick up colors, combine them and then put them into a graphic preset, like Enb. (this is a very simplified version, but it is to give you an idea of what it actually does,..
A close second is the redhead wearing the barbarian armour
Both the orc and the redhead were taken for the Bodypaint Overlay 2 mod by DomainWolf. I helped out a bit with screenshots for some of the overlays and got a bunch of leftovers the author didn't use...although I do believe he included that orc shot actually.
Love the people who look like they are tied to Nature in some way or tribalism in a some way or another.
that deer picture, best in 2019
also the creature with the warrior on the beach
can't stop looking, want to use it as my screensaver
It's funny how sweet some images can get just by roaming about in this gameworld. I often feel the most wonderful shots are those outside scripted events or not during questlines. It's the freedom of seeing it all, whenever we decide to, that surprises us with the most lovely captures. I'm not very much into staging scenes and such either - I just don't have the knowledge of doing so - and therefor my wanderlust and the rule of never fast travelling are my paths throughout this realm. So far it has shown me so much wonders and I'm happy some of it can rub off onto the viewer as well. Again, thank you kindly for your praise, and feel free to use whatever shot you see as a screensaver...