Tales of Wulver - Epilogue

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  1. deleted3656968
    • account closed
    • 70 kudos
    Your writings is really great & congrats on your effort Jonathan. Main & the last one is awesome.

  2. Liadys
    • premium
    • 248 kudos
    A great epilogue to this tale, I giggled a little knowing that Thrynn got himself into some trouble because he was worried for Wulver. Eevee and Stynx proved to be smarter and escaped capture. It's a good thing that Aldis is not the kind of guard that falls easily for bribes and the like, inconvenient for the Thieves Guild I'm sure but for others I'd say that's a good thing. That nature plane sure looked gorgeous and serene...I sure would like to spend some time meditating there! I'm eager to see what adventure this red little devil will get himself into next!

    Nicely done !
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Many thanks Lia! You summed up the epilogue nicely lol. Aldis was in Nat's story so I wanted to work him in and I rather like him. It seemed like it would fit in well. I wanted to wrap things up nicely and leave room for future stories as well. I also may see if I get Wulver to visit Dannee and team if I can get him to Nataly somehow.
  3. Imrazon
    • premium
    • 63 kudos
    This is a very nice conclusion to the story from Wulver's perspective.
    The stone has been returned to its rightful place and Wulver met Fenrir.

    Well, you said in "A Rogue Manly Monday" that Wulver will learn another way to visit other Worlds. But I wasn't expecting to read about it now.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Many thanks Gerd! I am always a sucker for nice endings :)

      Aye the link to other worlds is more for my own internal role playing - as a way to explain Wulver in other worlds. But that is also why I made him a planes-walker and one who has experience with many planes of reality. I also just enjoy his character in general.
  4. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    it´s magical ... pure fantasy ... I like this
    The colors are great here ( which of your ENB´s is it? ) and I really like the pic with the fox ( 2nd from the end )

    I never saw this magical tree Can you tell me please, where it is.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Many thanks Heiki! The ENB is the Vaermina one on binary 236 (a favorite binary of mine because of the bloom - which was changed in later versions of the binary by Boris).

      The tree is from the Gildergreen - its a mod a friend made and shared with me so I would have a nature sanctuary for doing some stories with.
    2. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Thank you for the info
  5. tgstyle24
    • supporter
    • 104 kudos
    A really peaceful epilogue, beautiful written and set up with awesome images. I like the scene when Wulver talks to Fenrir... I always see him as a wise father figure, but I think that comes from the Grim stories So lets see what adventures the lil red devil and his pack will experience next
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thanks very much Tanja. I also see Fenrir very much as the wise father figure and yes a lot of that is from Grim. But I tend to see wolves as wise guardians of the world in general and Fenrir is their Alpha.
  6. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    Great that they could bring some calm & stability back in to the universe , and good to see thrynn focus on the most important of things... his stomach. great to see an appearance of Fenrir who dwarfs them all, bringing final conclusion to the arc. Great work and gorgeous characters images Jon
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thanks Corf! Easier to write characters with some basic stereotypes to them and Thrynn is certainly the thug type who isn't big on the magic and voodoo stuff. He lets Wulver deal with that - he is just hired muscle :)

      I really enjoyed the adventure with Nataly but trying to avoid getting into a long book series like I did with Grim. That was a different time and place at Nexus back then.
  7. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 446 kudos
    Great start for another series of adventures :)
    And it was so sweet to see Wulver reuniting with his friends Thrynn, Eevee and Styx. I loved their hug and how the little animal friends were happy to see Wulver back in the game again. And this huge white wolf is magnificent, a great visual addition to the story!
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 880 kudos
      Thank you very much Serkethetyt! The big wolf is Fenrir and he has featured heavily in all my stories, across multiple worlds, all tied into his lore in a book I might write someday. He is also the father of my main Skyrim character, Grimulfr Fenrirson, who I wrote about for 6 years or so. It was nice to let Fenrir have a cameo or two with Wulver.
  8. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,113 kudos
    Excellent epilogue and a great series from both you and Nataly, loved all the images and captured scenes :)
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thanks very much Izzy, I really enjoyed the team work with Nataly - we have done a lot of these together so our worlds blend fairly well.
  9. Rohganictus
    • member
    • 24 kudos
    I only discovered your stories.
    The pictures are gorgeous and Fenrir, the Guardian of Nature and Wolf of Winter is just superb and majestuous.
    Awesome work.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Howdy and thank you for checking out my stories Rohganictus. Glad to know you enjoyed them and the shots of Fenrir, who is at the center of all my stories.
  10. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Such great and wonderful epilogue to this awesome cross tale and very beautiful images! It was unexpected for me to see that Wulver had more trouble with reuniting with his friends than Sofie, however Thrynn is from the Thieves Guild and acted rashly but out of good intention of finding Wulver. It was great to see captain Aldis again! He sure would not tolerate smugness even from Thalmor and will never follow their orders. Aldis is good and honorable man and honest one too. Given how he rejected the bribes from the Thieves Guild but accepted the fine form Wulver and finally let Thrynn go.
    The description of Nature Plane was very beautiful and majestic, it was amazing to see Wulver and his team going there to finally return the Heart. It was very cool to s3ee Fenrir and Wulver interaction, he seems to like Wulver cocky attitude, while Thrynn showed wisdom and decided not to dwell on cosmic questions and lore and just had snacks that he shared with animal friends. Wulver was given truly amazing gift, such precious thing for him to be able to travel to other Planes but without being lost or leaving his closed ones behind. Given his curiosity no wonder that Wulver plan to make new trip very soon!
    Thank you very much for sharing your awesome work!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Many thanks Nataly for both your comment and all your help in doing this cross-over story. I had a great deal of fun working on it with you and enjoyed a chance to get to let others see more of Wulver's personality and history while also giving me a chance to learn more about Sofie - as I had to do some research in your past stories, ask you questions, and try to understand how she would act in various situations.

      I debated on Thrynn and the jail. Normally he is too stoic and level headed to make stupid mistakes. This once, however, I wanted to show he has developed a protective attitude towards Wulver and when he didn't return he freaked out a little. He did break in quietly. The problem is that the Thalmor had reported the break-in to the guard. Possibly for a few reasons. One to go through "proper" channels, to use it as a chance to show the failure of the guard to protect people's property, and to see if anyone would try to investigate the missing Wulver - without tipping their hand that they were involved or interested in the whole thing. Hence there were guards waiting for Thrynn inside which isn't something he would have expected - although again if thinking clearly he might have asked around first and waited a bit longer. But for all he knew Wulver was trapped or unconscious or in need of help. So I figured it would work that he would act a bit rashly.

      The Guild might have paid the fines, even though they prefer bribes, but Aldis knew their local agent and a complete stranger might not have been able to persuade Aldis to let Thrynn go that quickly, since there was also some jail time involved. But I figure Wulver is known now in Solitude and perhaps Aldis likes him for some reason (I am sure I could think of a few). Either way Wulver was able to pay the fine and persuade Aldis to let Thrynn go a few days early. Plus Aldis felt it would annoy the Thalmor if he did.

      Wulver is used to the esoteric. He has been around a long time and while he can't control his planes walking he knows a lot about the planes and how they work. Partly because he wants to control his power so has extensively studied things relating to other planes. But his ability comes from his Chaos bloodline and hence its random, capricious, and chaotic. Thrynn ... well he prefers solid reality and things he can understand or hit with his fist.

      So they do all take a trip to the Stolen Lands, another kingdom, where they get into many adventures. Time acts differently though so they return only a few weeks later even though over a year went by in the other plane. I hope, after a few more Skyrim adventures, he will contact Sofie to say hello in Solitude. For now he and Thrynn want to avoid the city as a promise to Aldis.