Lobo - Not So Elegant Sunday

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  1. tgstyle24
    • supporter
    • 104 kudos
    He looks amazing, cou catched that "angry" wildly look brilliantly. He is such a cool character... will you do a Skyrim run aswell with him?
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thanks! I don't know. Depends on mood and time. For now Wulver is the only one I play in Skyrim. I toyed with Wulver in FO4 but in the end Wulver is too much like Fenn to make it different enough to be motivating. Lobo is very different from Fenn so I enjoy both in FO4.

      Lobo would would have to be a Greatsword (2H sword) in Skyrim, versus dual daggers like Wulver, who also has some magic, so it would be somewhat different but they also share things so less distinct.

      Anyhow time will tell if I start to play him there or not. For now playing him mainly in FO4 and a little in Pathfinder.
  2. Reimar67
    • premium
    • 249 kudos
    Good to catch up with stuff finally
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thanks and aye although I have not been posting much of late so a bit easier on my end :)
  3. PrinceNathan
    • supporter
    • 200 kudos
    I can see why you got side tracked with this guy :) Lobo's gonna have a lot of fun in the world of Skyrim.
    Still got that new character feel too, nothing beats that feeling.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      He's a two-handed barbarian style guy for sure! Love playing with a guy who has a two-handed sword. I might pair him up with Wulver who knows.
  4. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,113 kudos
    Looking very hunky great works Jonathan.

    thought you might like this
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thank you Izzy and that little wolf howling is adorable <3
  5. Liadys
    • premium
    • 248 kudos
    I think he has his own brand of elegance. Stunning shots :)
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thanks! Probably no one is going to criticize him to his face anyhow :P :)
  6. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Awesome and very cool set! I saw Lobo in your Fallout section and you did great work recreating him in Skyrim! Just like in Fallout he looks very manly and fierce here.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thanks Nataly! While Lobo is more rough around the edges he is probably the closet to Grim's counterpart in FO. He shares Grim's desire to avoid people and lack of enthusiasm for crowds and city life. He also deals with that inner rage/animal-side that Grim has while also being very loyal and protective. Somewhat like Grim/Lobo and Wulver/Fenn.

      It has been fun making images I can play in other worlds. It also keeps me actively enjoying Skyrim as well since the characters are all linked.

      I haven't forgotten about Wulver buying Sofie some drinks either ;)
  7. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    You captured both his F4 look and essence very well. Awesome job on Sky Lobo!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thanks Pat! I know you saw his shots earlier as well :-) I got some nice images for his Pathfinder game. I didn't get as close as I did with Wulver. Wulver was extremely close (considering the radical difference in game types and limited character options), even his armor worked out. But after trying dozens of armors (and installing over a dozen armor mods for Skyrim) I just didn't find what worked - and worked means matches something in Pathfinder and is something I could see Lobo in. I am still looking (can update his portrait anytime) but for now had to settle. I will post two shots in the Pub of how it looks if curious.
  8. deleted2702269
    • account closed
    • 30 kudos
    As long as it concerns me - you can let yourself get carried away as often as you want. Your men and your pictures are always such a good distraction for the eyes and the mind.
    That dark one is has a strong full-moon vibe and the brighter parts give it a wonderful structure. And pose and lighting (and back) from the one before that are gorgeous.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Oh thanks for the nice comment and I am glad you enjoy my men and shots. One reason I do post a lot of male shots is I figure there must be some users who enjoy seeing them ;)

      I really like Somber for night shots in Skyrim. That was a darker one since the brighter bloom in the Somber comes in stronger later on.
  9. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    He's looking great, very manly and some dramatic poses, you don't always have to be wearing Elegant clothes, some guys and gals just ooze class and he looks pretty elegant to me especially with his cloak on
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thanks! I like the big cloaks like that as I think it gives him more presence, more imposing, and perhaps more lordly in a way. Plus keeps him warm - even a Nord gets cold at times!

      Still his charisma is a bit in the red zone, at least for attitude and such. Not a social or personable fellow unless you manage to earn his trust and friendship.

      I tend to play two types of characters in general - see the pattern repeat over and over in every game. There is the smaller, almost nerdy, smart, charming, agile, type like Fenn and Wulver. I suppose that is one side of my personality. Then the other is the brawny, anti-social, gruff and tough, types. Another side of my personality (and also more the kind of man I like).

      Easy to know which side of the spectrum this guy falls on :)
  10. Imrazon
    • premium
    • 63 kudos
    Quite a hard task. Well, I donĀ“t know Fallout, but can imagine that there quite different mouth and nose types and so on. So it will be hard work with the sculp function. Very nice set, Jon, with interesting lighting.
    On this image I thing he screams: "Why am I here, thats not my universe!"
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Thanks Gerd! Even harder since I can't sculpt - I don't use any of the fancy character creators in either Skyrim or FO4. I have always just used the vanilla editors to make characters. I prefer to keep things simple and this also makes it very easy for me to save character looks (simple SPF console command). No reliance on SKSE/FKSE, or other mods, etc. So I get as close as I can with the vanilla sliders.

      I love that shot for some reason. I don't know just like how it came out. I think he would fit in well in Skyrim being more raider/barbarian like and fond of melee. In FO4 his favorite weapons are a giant two-handed claymore sword, a large two-headed ax, and a crossbow. His ax looks like this:

      Here he has the Claymore on his back and a Chinese Officers Military sword on his hip: