Rilinn the Younger - The lonely road

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  1. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
  2. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    This collection is magical ... moody and peaceful together with the music .. dreamlike
  3. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 444 kudos
    Amazing set as always, dear Rick! Love the landscapes with this autumn vibe!
    1. Excellentium
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      Many thanks, my dear! You're correct too! This is with my autumn setup of the worldspace, so colours should appear a bit more rusty brown and red. Rilinn the Younger - the character here - is one of few that I have, who has reached above level 20, so the summer has left for the fall. I use four different landscape setups, depending on the season in-game, but most are still in summer (since the game starts this time of the year) and I normally "hit the autumn" around level 18-20...

      Yeah, I'm that slow in regards of level up, but what I don't have in levels, I do have in amount of characters...
    2. serkethetyt
      • premium
      • 444 kudos
      ...And all characters are amazing!

      I always recognize it because autumn is my fav time of year. And the tundra works very well with the vibe of a wet autumn. Soaked earth under the boots, every now and then listening to a "crec" of dry leaves I love rainy autumns. it tastes like apples cooked with honey and smells of incense and burning leaves.
    3. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      We're souls of the same them Larys, because autumn is my favorite season of the year too. The world turns both dark and colourful at the same time, as if light and shadows are attracted to each other. Some say it's a moody and somber time of the year, but I've always found it somewhat romantic and pure, but also with doors opened to a darker world. Rain is my favorite weather and black and red my favorite colours...and I get all of that during autumn, including sweet apples and honey in a pie...
    4. serkethetyt
      • premium
      • 444 kudos
      I am amazed by this similarity. Black and red are also my favorite colors, and Halloween is my favorite holiday. But I'm an old witch, so that's not much of a surprise HAHAHA If you say that Sopor Aeternus is one of your favorite bands and that you are looking for uncanny subjects during the night I will have to ask for a DNA test to know if you are not my brother.
      But yes, it is such a wide world this season, as you said, light and shadow, color and darkness. The souls of the ancestors and the festivities... oh Lord, it's summer here, I want time to pass.
    5. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      The world is big, so there has to be "soulmates" out there. It's finding them that's difficult, but often a door to a specific interest leads to connections with similar people. In our case, it was Skyrim being the doorway...

      No need for any DNA test though - I HATE needles - because you mentioning Sopor Aeternus was the first for me. I didn't know about them at all, and I ususally keep a good track on music I like. I've given them a few listenings, and so far I like what I hear, so thank you for the tip. Being a Swede, I'm a bit spoiled with great metal bands from Scandinavia, so it's sometimes hard to remember music is more worldwide than my small northern realm..

      Lucky for you, autumn will follow your summer, while as I'm still in winter with spring coming next. Far away from any days of Fall in my case...
    6. serkethetyt
      • premium
      • 444 kudos
      I'm glad you like it! Is my fave band of one person only HAHAHA It was an intrinsic part of my college graduation work, I even put a piece of a song as my prologue, my fav work of Anna Varney is the album named "Poetica", that unites the wonderful music of Sopor with texts by Edgar Allan Poe. Mono Inc is also my sweetie, and people will still be very tired of hearing me talking about it HAHAHA (Mono and Sopor are German, and a lot of German music comes to me)
      And I totally understand about music. I always end up looking for things alike with what I listen to, a lot of metal comes to me, but Spotify has recommended great things to me weekly.
      Oh yes, fall is coming... but first we need to win this infernal summer. I feel like Frodo Baggins in his way to Mount Doom HAHAHA
  4. rick0307
    • supporter
    • 24 kudos
    Only you can make dreary look so beautiful.
    1. Excellentium
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      That's very kind of you to say, thank you!

      It's perhaps for a reason too, because I've always felt gloom, doom, dreadfulness, misery, loneliness, sorrow and darkness to hold an amount of beauty. Often sad, yes of course, but still with an emotional value that I admire and feel connected to.
    2. rick0307
      • supporter
      • 24 kudos
      See, you're an artist with a poet's heart.
      For myself, I see, in the 2 Whiterun pics, Chicago where I grew up. Pretty leaves washed off the trees by a cold rain.

      This is why you are the artist, and I live somewhere else.
  5. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,113 kudos
    Great works Rick with some great atmosphere :)
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Many thanks, Izzy! The sense of an early autumn morning as she rides off for adventures...
  6. ScuzzyB
    • supporter
    • 64 kudos
    Those deathbells do look amazing in that shade. Excellent set.
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you very much!

      I love this texture of the deathbells by fadingsignal. It comes with a red version too which I'm using here, although the LUT makes it appear almost pinkish, as if it's about to wither before the winter comes. Very appropriate, considering I'm playing with a setup meant to be influenced by autumn. I have four setups, one for each season in the game and I change according to the in-game calendar.
  7. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    Great set, nice pretty flowers to start with, though my favourite is the ruins of a the fort, I just love old castles and ruined buildings, the ancient monuments shot is great too
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thanks a lot, Corfus!

      The deathbells are so photogenic, it's near impossible not to snap an image or two once you see them in-game. I agree with the forts and castles too. It's from an historical era that I very much enjoy myself and for western fantasy fiction, they're a part of the world just as much as dragons and magic. I write a lot and I use this fantasy realm I've been "building" ever since I was a young lad, and describing the areas - and reasons - for old castles and citadels are just as fun today as it was when the world creation started...
  8. Skybroom
    • supporter
    • 78 kudos
    O U T S T A N D I N G
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you most kindly for the wonderful praise!
  9. skywolle
    • premium
    • 172 kudos
    Always impressive your pictures, very nice set, Rick.
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Much appreciated, Sky! I know my sets are large with lots of images, so it's good to hear they are enjoyable...
  10. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 309 kudos
    That grey/green fog sets the tone for these perfectly. Makes me want to get up early in the morning tomorrow haha
    Beautiful shots of the plains, Rick
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      This particular LUT has a lovely way to handle mist and fog, making it appear almost dreamy at the horizon. Early mornings are truly fascinating for this sake in the game and I often need to start off early too, because nights are quite dangerous (I'm using a mod that increase enemy spawns during nighttime). I also play with sleep/eat/drink mods, so an early start will get me somewhere even though I need a few breaks and pauses. I like this added element, because it keeps things "real".

      Many thanks, Dylan!