Zareni - Calling for Vulthuryol

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  1. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 180 kudos
    Nice shots Rick. I don't recall fighting a dragon down there, but I guess it's just been too long.
  2. rick0307
    • supporter
    • 28 kudos
    Your usual beautiful work, of course, but...
    how did you cram a dragon into the elevator?
    ...and live?
    1. Excellentium
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      Oh, that wasn't too difficult...I simply used a very powerful scroll of reduced size!

      But more seriously, it's quite a riddle why there is a dragon down in Blackreach? I'm just going to assume it was captured by the Dwemer when it was still a very young one. The fact it's named in the game also makes you wonder about it's existance, as if there's more to it than just being a secret.

      Thank you very much, Rick!
    2. rick0307
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      If I remember correctly, that dragon usually lives outside Rorikstead. The name is familiar, in any case.
      In 8 years, I've never seen a dragon in Blackreach. Random stuff, especially in Skyrim. Can't stop playing now!
    3. Excellentium
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      • 357 kudos
      I passed by Rorikstead just the other day with this same save file being used here and fought that dragon. It's named Nahagliiv. There's another named dragon being risen by Alduin too near the crossroad between Falkreath, Whiterun and Markarth and this dragon is called Vuljotnaak. I killed him earlier in this save, but the dragon at Rorikstead was still around. Maybe it's one of those two you're thinking about?

      Because, believe me, there is indeed a hidden dragon down in Blackreach. Try using your Unrelenting Force towards that glowing orb and you'll see. I discovered this by accident during my very first playthrough when looking for The Elder Scroll. I even believed the dragon had the scroll until I realised he did not...
    4. rick0307
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      Thanks for the names; the other V...dragon. Sorry, dragons all look the same to me.
      I'm in Blackreach almost weekly, so I'll try the shout to wake it up.
  3. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,144 kudos
    Great looking works and captures from this great location Rick :)
    1. Excellentium
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      Many thanks, Izzy! I'm not as skilled as you in regards of capturing dragons with my camera though, so sadly I had to scrap the whole bunch from the fight against Vulthuryol. They just weren't up to my standards, but fights get pretty hectic when using high-leveled enemy mods. Next time maybe...
  4. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 937 kudos
    I think your warrior is very beautiful and expressive, she's fierce! And I loved the shots with the dragon. Amazing work as always, dear Rick!
    1. Excellentium
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      Many thanks, Larys! For a long while, this was the character I did some written chapters about, or the one with the most at least. I got lost in my interest of writing here on Nexus though, when it took so much time from me. My screenarchery also started to win the upper hand, so images got more fuh than words. Don't misunderstand me though, I do love writing, but I'm also feeling somewhat disabled when doing so in English. I know I can, but I will never be as "good" as I am in Swedish foir natural causes. It blocks me a bit, especially when I often use a rather "painterly" language in my native tongue. Once I might return to true storytelling, like you do so wonderfully, here on Nexus, but at the moment I'll keep to visual stories...

      Here's her background if interested: Zareni Blackfire

      The poor girl's face is being used as a preset for this save though, along with many other Imperial ladies, since I'm testing a lot of armors and outfits with it while doing the main quest. Her true save file is still at the point where I left the last chapter.
    2. serkethetyt
      • premium
      • 937 kudos
      I understand you completely. I have several chapters ready, if I look at my blogs queue, I think I'm at number 40 or more. However, I need to translate everything before posting, and it takes some time because I need to check some words that the translator misses or has more than one meaning. It is exhausting work. Even more when you need to replace words from your home country, looking for one that has a similar meaning in English.
      I think you can tell a story with images very well! And do what gives you pleasure, because the moment we start charging ourselves too much, fun becomes an obligation, and that is not cool.
      And testing armor and clothes is wonderful HAHAHA I still need to take a break from the chapters and continue with Sunday Elegance, I think it's really fun! :)
  5. ThatMrSmile
    • premium
    • 414 kudos
    This sphere thing really draws a lot of attention. Amazing shots, Rick.
    1. Excellentium
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      • 357 kudos
      I remember the first time I came to Blackreach, searching for that Elder Scroll, and I was so damn sure the orb was some kind of beacon that would show you the way. It kind of does too, only Tower of Mzark resides outside that walled citadel where the orb is hanging and I remember I spent hours inside that place trying to figure out the meaning of it. I was certain that center square would hold the scroll somewhere, so naturally I had to search it all through. In the end, I more or less tried everything and used my shout against it from the top of the citadel towers...and thus came Vulthuryol flying in the dark. The damn dragon didn't have the scroll either though which I first thought when seeing it approach...

      Many thanks!
    2. ThatMrSmile
      • premium
      • 414 kudos
      Now when you've mentioned it... this whole area looks really strange. It's the central object of the entire Blackreach, and this sphere thingy looks like it's designed to draw player's attention. The surrounding structure is the most detailed building in the area with its multiple interior levels and alternative entrances (suggesing the possibility of a stealth approach). And the exploration of the area even culminates with a boss fight. Plus the Falmer slaves presented with zero explanation and almost outside of context. It all looks like this area was meant to be involved into the main quest somehow, but the idea was scrapped.
    3. Excellentium
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      • 357 kudos
      Exactly! The fact it's the part of Blackreach that really draws the attention of the player makes you wonder...or it's included in a sidequest I've yet to discover? I honestly don't know even after all these years which is partly why I do love the game. There are still surprises out there...
  6. Klaxoid
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    • 193 kudos
    Fantastic fight scenes Rick. I always loved this little easter egg
    1. Excellentium
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      I wish the fights were shown even better in this set, but it got pretty hectic and I do want to stay alive as well! I scrapped a great deal of them, because they all just looked messy...and sadly this included the fight against Vulthuryol. Quite a surprise in that egg for sure!

      Thank you, Will!
  7. deleted75479183
    • account closed
    • 65 kudos
    Splendid shots Rick, fabulous atmosphere in your captures
    1. Excellentium
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      • 357 kudos
      Thanks a lot, David! I know I said I would play my regular saves more intensily this year, but I still can't let go of this save file (which I'm using for different presets and outfits). I've reached level 70 which means the fights are starting to get legendary. Nearly every damn Falmer is a Shadowmaster or a Warmonger and it hurts!
  8. kozakowy
    • premium
    • 1,132 kudos
    Totally love the colors here. These shares of red and blue make such a perfect match. No questions asked. It's a pure joy watching these Rick
    1. Excellentium
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      Blue and red as the main artists, that's pretty much what Mudpuppy LUT is about. It works tremendously well almost everywhere and it also keeps the colours of the landscape somewhat true without being too strong in contrast or one-coloured. I'm using this LUT for the most when doing this save. It's one I use for armor/outfit showcasing while working my way through the main quest. It started as real posing shots - back with Rudy ENB - and it's still running, only now I use Imperials for the sake of not messing up the perks even more. I've already did that, so the armor class ratings are far behind the real level which means I take a lot of damage...and it hurts too, because the save is at level 70 now (she's about 67-68 here I think)...

      Thank you kindly, K!