24th theme - Hide and Seek

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This user's image description contains 22 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. hammersmcp
    • premium
    • 116 kudos
    Such an interesting puzzle that I spent the time searching for the clues rather than seeing the images.
    I went through a second time (and a third) just to enjoy the variety of delightful images.
    1. Drizzt1980
      • member
      • 106 kudos
      Thank you very much hammersmcp!

      I am pleased that you liked the puzzle and the images!
  2. Excellentium
    • member
    • 357 kudos
    Funny and very creative solution for this theme! It also gave us a chance to see more from your various different worlds/mods you use for your gameplay/screenarchery!

    I managed to figure out which game you were referring to even if I missed a letter or two (well hidden) and I fully can relate to having a huge backlog of games still to play. I also have these "newer additions" in this serie of Lara, but I've yet to play them. I have so many games that I've barely touched, even if some of them are considered AAA-games and highly popular. Skyrim certainly steals you away for many hours, doesn't it?

    I'm glad you were able to find some time for this theme though, because it's certainly more fun having you included with your unique style and great visual understanding!
    1. Drizzt1980
      • member
      • 106 kudos
      Thank you very much Rick!

      In the past 4 years I have been so focused on Skyrim and creating and improving my characters that I had no time to play anything else on the side. Except for Fallout 4, but after 70 hours of play, I switched back to Skyrim. Now I have finally taken the step and bought some new games. And I did not regret it. The gameplay alone knocked me already off, and the fantastic graphics and realistic characters gave me the rest.

      Now I'm trying to transfer this world from Tomb Raider to Skyrim.
      Not the gameplay, that is impossible from the ground up, but maybe the fauna and flora, and the environment with which you act in the Tomb Raider trilogy.
      Maybe this will be a failure from scratch, but it's worth a try because I want to revise my mod list again.
      And in the revised mod list, the mods posted here are definitely included again.
  3. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 336 kudos
    Deine Bilder sind einmalig schön und die Idee mit dem Bilderrätsel ist genial und passt super zum Thema ... leider habe ich das Prinzip nicht verstanden ( ist wohl mein mieses Englisch) und war nicht in der Lage, das Rätsel zu lösen ....
    1. Drizzt1980
      • member
      • 106 kudos
      Vielen, vielen Dank für deine freundlichen Worte Heike!

      Es ist wohl eher meinen bescheidenen Englischkenntnissen zu verdanken, dass ich das Prinzip nicht besser beschreiben und erklären konnte.
      Ich habe zwar alles zuvor auf Deutsch notiert, und es war klar und verständlich (so hoffe ich jedenfalls), aber gibt man dann diese Notizen in Google translate ein, (den ich leider immer noch nutze) dann kommt manchmal nur Kauderwelsch heraus.

      Im Prinzip geht es hier darum, in den 21 Bildern, angefangen nach dem Beispielbild, jeweils eine Zahl UND einen Buchstaben zu finden.
      Die 21 Buchstaben ergeben, in die richtige Reihenfolge von 1 bis 21 gesetzt, den Namen des Spiels der hier gesucht wird.
      Die 21 Zahlen geben die Reihenfolge vor, in der sich die Buchstaben befinden.
    2. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 336 kudos
      Vielen Dank für die Erläuterung... jetzt hat das Rätseln echt Spass gemacht Du hast Dir unglaublich viel Mühe gegeben ... nochmals: Klasse Idee

      Eine gaaanz alter Version dieses Spiels war neben Prince of Persia eines meiner ersten PC Spiele
  4. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 253 kudos
    Wheel of Fortune, Right I can visualize Vanna, flipping the letters as I viewed your images and found Laura by accident.
    That is a lot of nice shots. Have a good one.
    1. Drizzt1980
      • member
      • 106 kudos
      Many, many thanks Battlemaga!

      I was first wondering which vanna you mean because there is no vanna in this game, whose name is searched here.
      But after asking Google, I knew who you meant: Vanna White.
      Here in Germany, is Sonya Kraus one of the best-known "Glücksrad" assistants.
  5. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,144 kudos
    Excellent works for the event Dan :)
    1. Drizzt1980
      • member
      • 106 kudos
      Thank you very much Izzy!
  6. Klaxoid
    • member
    • 193 kudos
    There are a few of the letters that eluded me, but I managed to assemble you hidden message. Your scenes are just gorgeous my friend!
    1. Drizzt1980
      • member
      • 106 kudos
      Many, many thanks Will!

      I highly recommend this game!


  7. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    Very cool shots for the theme!
    1. Drizzt1980
      • member
      • 106 kudos
      Thank you very much Pat!
  8. Artsick
    • premium
    • 654 kudos
    I've been meaning to play that myself sometime :O I was still considering whether or not to get it atm because of the sale.
    1. Drizzt1980
      • member
      • 106 kudos
      When this game came out, I also considered whether I should buy it or not. But back then I was so busy with Skyrim at every free minute that I didn't have time to play a second game on the side. Now that I'm taking things a little easier in Skyrim, I also have more time to play this "new" game as well.
      I hope that this game will be available for you again soon, so that you too can enjoy the new adventures of Lara.
  9. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 312 kudos
    some fantastic, wild, and intricately crafted scenes. Nice work!
    1. Drizzt1980
      • member
      • 106 kudos
      Many, many thanks Dylan!
  10. arghTease
    • premium
    • 212 kudos
    well done set and compliments the theme!
    1. Drizzt1980
      • member
      • 106 kudos
      Thank you very much rth!