From the italian Outbrake

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From the Italian  outbrake.
Dear friends of this community, I have not published anything here anymore. My city in Italy, Turin, in the Piedmont region bordering on Lombardy, is beginning to be overwhelmed by the coronavirus. My nation is rapidly collapsing day after day. We are not like China that can offer strenuous resistance, and luckily perhaps it is better this way. No, I don't intend to invite you, as our foreign minister desperately does, to come back here on vacation. I don't know if I'll survive, I don't know if my family will.

Incredibly the unthinkable has happened. Alduin seems to have arrived here too. This perhaps Skyrim predicted with his symbols. What can I tell you? I wanted to greet you and go back to post some pictures, as long as all this will remain up and as long as I will be alive to be able to do it. When I get infected, I don't think that if the pneumonia becomes serious I will find a place in a hospital, and I will probably die at home, or my loved ones will. In some ways I fear to survive and face the aftermath, perhaps finding myself alone, in a shocked world. However, I am collecting numerous supplies for the aftermath, if any, by buying without panicking too much. At first I wanted to barricade myself at home in my apartment, similar to "I am legend", but it is too cinematic and I do not have the charm of Vincent Price or Will Smith at all, we will resist a little, thanks to some masks of which I am provided, always using latex gloves, but in the end I will give in or because I will make some mistakes, or simply because it is really unnerving to isolate yourself from everything and everyone. My mood passes from sadness sometimes I am not ashamed to say that I cry alone, sometimes I even enjoy myself and I almost feel like a video game or film hero. I can stand because deep down I act like I would in a video game.In addition, the problem with the virus is that it is too infectious, it is not easy not to get infected, if not by closing yourself in the house, renouncing all the social relationships physically said. Without an FPP3 mask and numerous latex gloves, perhaps protective glasses, disinfectants, liquid soap in rivers it is not easy to escape outdoors where every person or surface can potentially infect you. If you want real information about the virus I can give it to you but know that you won't like it at all.The pandemic apocalypse, seen from Italy, is almost funny because it is tragicomic, a catastrophic film, shot with few means and in provincial leases. even if the whole world is tragicomic in its attempts to deal with the pandemic. Still seeing people talking about PIl, of possible economic losses, in this situation is absurd. Privatized healthcare is the most useless to face this type of opponent. In the long run, there is no system that can fight the fight against covid-19, but having a public health system, free and like the Italian one of twenty years ago, would have saved many more lives. Despite this, heroes in hospitals fight strenuously without means, PPE, becoming infected, with entire hospital departments that fall prey to the infection.
The virus cannot be contained, it can be slowed down but it cannot be contained. The virus has a frightening vitality, it is very young, new, and threatening to what is fascinating because it has the energy of life itself. We are old, tired, a civilization at sunset. If you want to survive you have to challenge him to his height, be as vital as he is, then maybe he will respect you, then he will know how to live with you. But even if you are not up to it, show him that you are not afraid, that at least you will learn to respect the old ones. You are all much more than you think you are, you are the Dragonborn, this is what you have prepared for the fight with Alduin. Free yourself from all this erotic, sterile narcissism that Skyrim has become, become heroes again. Sovngerd is your home, show that you are worthy of it. It doesn't matter if you lose, it doesn't matter if you die surrounded by pain, this is life, show yourself rather worthy of the gaze of the Gods, show that with all your mortality you are infintably better than them. Those who survive will have the opportunity to renew the world.


  1. Erydia
    • premium
    • 336 kudos
    Ciao Fabrizio,

    non me la sento di scrivere in inglese. Volevo solo dirti che stiamo tutti vivendo questa situazione drammatica ma non credo che sia davvero inquietante come la descrivi. Mi spiace leggere tra le righe tanta disperazione e panico, credo che tu abbia bisogno di un aiuto morale in questo momento.
    Io vivo in Toscana e anche noi abbiamo diversi contagi, ma zero morti. In verità, credo che quello ci ucciderà tutti non è davvero il virus, ma la recessione.

    Guarda che tutte le nazioni europee sono state colpite, ma non sono tutti tanto stupidi da metterlo in prima pagina e creare panico tra i cittadini. Secondo me abbiamo un problema di mass media, non di coronavirus. Sono settimane che la stampa italiana mette pressione e se anche fosse una pandemia tanto devastante, quello che non dovevano fare è esattamente spingere migliaia di persone a precipitarsi al pronto soccorso e in ambulatorio. Risultato: contagi triplicati , soprattutto tra chi ha veramente problemi e rischia la vita negli ospedali.

    Comunque, dobbiamo proteggerci il più possibile, ma non mi sento tanto disperata per questo nuovo virus, ho molta fiducia nei nostri medici e il nostro sistema sanitario è più preparato di quello di altre nazioni ritenute a un livello superiore , esempio l'Inghilterra. (ci ho vissuto due anni e ho avuto esperienze orribili con i loro ospedali).

    Passeremo anche questa, ci vuole un po' di coraggio e ottimismo, torneremo alla vita di tutti i giorni e questi mesi saranno solo un brutto ricordo.
    1. Serindas
      • supporter
      • 71 kudos
      Ti do pienamente ragione, anche in merito a quanto hai detto sul SSN. Per non avere problemi in questa situazione basterà solamente un po' di attenzione e sopratutto l'evitare panico ed allarmismo.
  2. deleted28570945
    • account closed
    • 220 kudos
    How Coronavirus is Spread:

    the air by coughing and sneezing
    close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands
    touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes before washing your hands
    rarely, fecal contamination

    How to protect yourself:

    Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
    Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
    Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
    Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
    Stay home when you are sick
    Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash

    According to scientists here in the US, the coronavirus has a 0.1 to 1% mortality rate which is less than a common flu virus. Most survive.
    1. Gracinfields
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      • 96 kudos
      The Mortality rate isn't correct their basing that 0.1 to 1% off of total people alive, not the total that contracted it.

      Current rate is over 2% last update had it around 3.7% of those that contract the virus have died to it. We are not even 100% of that due to most of the cases are still in China and they have been confirmed even by some of their own news agencies to not properly recording cases or deaths from it. As for like the flu more than a 30 million reported (a lot more don't report as they have extremely mild symptoms) people are infected in a 12 month period, we are looking at a virus that is spreading faster and has been only spreading for a couple months. Flu has an infection rating of 1.2 or R0 1.2, this new virus has an infection rating from the chinese numbers of 3.4 however with the numbers from countries outside of china the R0 6 to 6.7.

      Currently outside of China South Korea has the highest number of cases but lowest death rate. Iran on the other hand has a far higher death rate, however due to political issues with Iran we have no idea which strand is going through their country.

      Current incubation times are 5 to 27 days with one reported case in china to be possible be 48 days, the virus can be spread while a person is not showing signs of sickness (asymptomatic). The virus is airborne via the smallest of water vapor from exalling, not just the bigger drops from coughing or sneezing, and the virus can live on surfaces up to 9 days. However, it can be killed by a 0.2% bleach solution or 120 proof alcohol.

      There has been at least 1 reported case of Human to dog transmission in china, but no pet to pet transmission yet or pet back to human.

      As for the US reports that is coming from people trying to calm fears of the virus while trying to get those at highest risk, doctors/nurses/ and other hospital staff the masks they need to keep the situation under control to minimize casualties in the long run. This is due to over reliance on foreign manufacturing, and never expecting something with a contagiousness factor this high. Currently 3M stateside mask factory for the N95 type mask is working 24/7 and is at max capacity for the US hospitals but that isn't enough.
    2. deleted28570945
      • account closed
      • 220 kudos
      Yes I think that is correct, 0.1 to 1% of total people in US. US has a vaccine in 1st trial stage, 2 more to go. Israel has a vaccine in development also.

      I'm not sure which country you are in but Lysol here in the US is claiming that it kills certain strains of the coronavirus also.
    3. Gracinfields
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      • 96 kudos
      Yes, in the states, however didn't hear that from Lysol. As for the Vaccine not putting much stock into that even working as they couldn't get a vaccine for normal SARs, as well as the last round of test of one vaccine caused the vaccinated animal to go into a cytoclastic storm when they infected the virus to see if the vaccine worked. Pretty much that means the immune system went straight to the nuclear option in dealing with the virus and ended up killing itself via multiple organ failure.

      I am willing to bet by 3/8/2020 US case will go from 337 to over 670 confirmed cases.
    4. deleted28570945
      • account closed
      • 220 kudos
      Lysol link:
    5. Gracinfields
      • member
      • 96 kudos
      Some good news, Black Elderberry is likely to help by reducing/inhibit viral replication.

      *Edit Add Black Elderberry Syrup*
  3. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 329 kudos
    Hello Fabrizio, the picture which accompanies your words is well made and tells it all ... the plague in modern design is back ...
    I can understand your fears and the touch of panic in your lines, because all we know about Corona, is really alarming.
    We had the first case on 26.02. and today there are 684 verified cases.No doubt, the virus is highly contagious and I assume, we all can´t stop it. This is the price we pay for globalization and fast travelling ... I live in a large town near the epicenter of the most infected population in Germany and I work every day with people who need help ... there are no gloves, masks, desinfectent etc. available ... it is a problem of globalization, because the production of those articles is outcourced for commercial interests and for higher profits ... I assume, that the health-system will collaps, if the number of infected people will increase and with this the number of serious cases too. There are not enought beds in our hospitals for such cases ( a problem of privatization of the communal health system, many hospitals are in the hands of investment groups and they want profit ... you know it ) and the number of infections among the medical personal will increase too, because they are not good protected ... it is a circulus vitiosus ...
    But ... most of the cases is not really serious and the mortality is around 2% ...this means, there is hope for 98%
    I think, the best way to protect yourself and your family is, to avoid contacts to others as far as possible and to act for the rules of hygieneia
    Heads up , soon we all are sitting in the same boat ... and, please, keep us informed.
  4. SomewhatWindy
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    • 148 kudos
    I'll come out of my chosen slumber for a bit , reading your message.
    I read a lot of surpressed fear and an , in general, doomy tone I have not sensed this strongly in you before.
    You've never were, truth be tolled, on of the most cheerfull contributors to the Nexus and fill your words with a lot of Poetic language trying to describe the situation you feel you're in.
    I sincerely feel with you. No one should be feeling like the way you describe. Corona has arrived in Holland to, although not in the northern part where I live, but that will happen to withoutr a doubt. It does close down a big part of economy for sure, that's what we notice already. Poeple are not shaking hands anymore and in every corporate building we enter we get checked for fever and need to desinfect our hands. Personnaly I think it's totally and utterly crazy to get so panicked over this instead of using your common sense and act rational with this Virus. Based on the facts that are known people in our age range (35-55) are in very little danger of catching it let alone die from it (changes are almost zero). Most people dying from it are above the 75 and were already in weak health. Besides, even the common flu makes casualties every year (mostly from from the same age group).
    So, to me there is a difference. I dislike the fact that you live in fear and are having the thoughts you have. I wish I could sooth that for you and the ones you love.
    The other thing is that I dislike how this coronavirus has exploded into the next thing outside ourselves we can focus our innner fears on instead of facing them head on and dealing with them.
    There's always a culprit outside ourselves that causes Drama and makes your existance complicated or unbearable while the biggest culprit is mostly our own incapacity to deal with the situation properly.
    I find that more disturbing then any fullblown virus that hits our path.
    But I have a simple vision on that. If it's time to go, I'll go....

    Perhaps not quite what you expected to hear, but I do feel your pain/worry about how things are at the moment in your life and I sincerely hope things will clear up for you.
  5. deleted18837759
    • account closed
    • 105 kudos
    Hello. Please do not panic and be positive,because this too shall pass. I too am saddened by what is happening with COVID-19 and that many people have died,but being a pessimist does not help... Now the virus has entered my country as well,and two or three cases are in my city. Despite all of this,I do whatever I can to avoid it,and think that everything will be fine.
    I truly hope you , your friends and your family will get out of this intact,along with your people! Stay strong!
  6. graykin4
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    • 219 kudos
    Dear Farvat,

    Thank you for your honest and sincere account of what's happening where you live. I live in Oregon and next to Washington where at the moment it is the worst place to be for this virus in the U.S.A. I admire your courage and clarity. Your thoughtful and kind remarks have always encouraged me, thank you! I completely agree with you on facing this with courage and grace. Being Buddhist it has helped me to maintain a transcending outlook and a higher life condition than would be my state of mind normally. With my complete regard, I'm chanting for all of our best possible outcomes in this struggle!

    yours, Greg Stephen King (a.K.A. Graykin)
  7. NeoNord
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    • 50 kudos
    Ahhh, il mio caro l'amico. Forgive my poor Italian and know that though you need to isolate yourself to a large degree, you will never be alone. I am only one but I know there are many here who will always have you in our hearts, in our minds and that ineffable part of us that you have touched so deeply and with such grace and beauty. You will always be a part of me through the brief experience we shared here. I was fortunate enough to visit Turin many years ago and I retain a part of it in my heart along with Firenze, Fiesole, Roma, Napoli and a number of other small villages and towns from the Alps all the way to Brindisi. I understand your frustration with the inability of governments and private organizations to effectively deal with this and other emergencies. Be assured that it is not because your nation is old or tired, mine is ( by most standards) still young, absurdly wealthy and powerful and yet we have a leader who tries to deny that the virus even exists. Our leadership (though it is an oxymoron to call them that) is incapable of taking the most obvious steps to prepare for this or any other emergency. Remember you too are a Dragonborn, one of brightest, most creative to ever grace this place. Though it is a dangerous time you may live to see a brighter day; you are stronger than you believe, you are braver than you know .
    It was no toss -of destinic dice- that brought us here- woven into one another's lives- Here is purpose-expressed through time- intertwined in patterns - revealing the sublime - we are the loom -we are the fate - we are the pattern - that we create.
    A great man once wrote - The ills and times we live in are not ours to choose ; only what we choose to do with the time we have. So the heroes in your hospitals still fight and you still fight because you know it is the right thing to do. Your words to us are part of the fight and they are powerful and will undoubtedly spur many to take better care of themselves and those they can. Keep fighting dear friend, I send you the energy we all are, I share your tears, I have been blessed with your creativity and your vision and touched by your spirit and regardless of what may come, I will always be connected to you and you to me. Pax Vobiscum.
  8. wolfgrimdark
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    • 880 kudos
    Ah Farbrizio I am saddened to hear this. You paint a grim image indeed of what is happening in your home city and I expect this is happening in many hot spots. I am unsure where this will go although I tend to agree that trying to restrain such a thing as a virus like this is not really doable. Slow it down and try to gain time to prepare seems the best we can do. I suspect most (relative to overall population) will survive while the elderly and ill will be the hardest hit from what I have read. Of course that does not take into account the immense collateral damage of what is happening as a consequence - the economic shock waves, the isolation, lost jobs, effects of quarantine, and so on. I do not think I am as old as you but I am getting closer to 60 than I like, and my parents are in their 80's, so it is worrisome.

    I wish you had posted in better times as I have missed your intellect and word play as well as your posts. I can only hope you and your family mange to get through it although I know the reality of life may say otherwise.

    Strong words at the end there. It is true - tragedy and conflict tend to bring out the best, and worst, in people. You are right that this may be such a time as we see what we are made out of. I hope I can do as Ralof tells the horse-thief, and face death with courage whenever it comes. As Patrick said keep us informed should you be able to.
  9. 0nelazyBattlemaga
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    • 247 kudos
    Hello, my friend. That is a tragic picture you paint with your words. Of course, I have seen old paintings of the Plague ridden Europe many times and have a tendency to confuse the images, one a reality, saved in paint due to lack of camera. This one you paint today, I feel, is quite different. We shall all have our trial.

    I wish you well, Fabrizio,
  10. Excellentium
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    • 354 kudos
    Hello Fabrizio!

    Good to hear from you even if it's during dangerous times indeed. What first appeared as unreal is steadily growing into something of dire considerations with this new virus spreading rapidly all over the world. Northern Italy took the first and the hardest blow in Europe, so I fully understand your concerns, but I still want to encourage you to stay strong and with hope.
    Of course, this is a reality we can't control at all, and being smart about it is being safe, but at the same time it's something we haven't seen before so we know little about what will happen if the virus starts to mutate into even deadlier forms. Here in Sweden, in the Stockholm region where I live, we've had about 80 confirmed cases so far (near 140 in total in all of Sweden), but luckily no deaths yet. I can only imagine what you must be going through since I've read about Italy a lot and it appears cities are getting all closed down or even abandoned.
    Global warming, the brink of a nuclear (or religious) war or a pandemic disease will most probably mean the end of civilization as we know it. When this will happen we can't tell though, so don't give in just yet. I understand it must feel devastating and I have two worried teenagers asking me questions every day since I'm their father...and it's a hard conversation to have, believe me.
    Encouragement and staying cool is important I think, even if it's easy to say and not as easy to act upon when in the middle of an outburst.

    Be as safe as you possibly can, my friend...and as Patrick said, keep us informed so that we know you're okay!

    My thoughts are with you!