The Hunger

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Rigmor of Bruma

Kalin's Journal

Kalin's Journal - Fredas, 4 Suns Dawn

"By Talos, what did that Daedric hagraven do to me?! Was is Boethiah? Azura? I feel an untimely… hunger shrouding my thoughts. This damned sword has also been humming louder and louder, I could barely hear myself think! I feel disoriented, my mind a haze. Though with each step closer to this sacrifice alter, I find myself feeling stronger… as though I am drawn to it. My hands tingle with desire, I can hear whispers in my head repeating themselves but do not know from whom. I do not liking being a pawn in the game of the Daedric Lords. These Thalmor bastards have no idea what they are about the unleash into our world. I pray my struggle is not in vain. I could not bare the thought of losing her the more I think about it.
Please be alive, Rigmor..."