The Secret

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Rigmor of Cyrodiil

Kalin's Journal

"I knew something was amiss… we were ambushed by these mysterious vampiric Akavir warriors once again! I only heard of tales and though impressive, I underestimated them. My own abilities give me an insight to predators lurking about with hostile intentions… Rigmor has asked me about the sudden change of appearance in my eyes as she noticed it shortly after her regaining a lot of her memory back… I felt guilty for using my dragon blood as the excuse for reason, rather than the truth… though I fear she senses it more than I thought, especially now that we have had to thwart these defiler minions sent by Morag to ensure our death and the uncanny resemblance between them and myself. Rigmor also seems increasingly lethargic since our confrontation with the unholy Akavir and insists we rest… I insisted we continue as that was surely not the last of them who pursue us here. But I fear for her well being. She claims she was not bitten, though they did take their toll on her..."