The Prophecy

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Rigmor of Cyrodiil

Kalin's Journal

"No matter how much I wanted to refuse and deny this damned prophecy, it seemed there never was any choice in the matter after all. He spoke of how the child would be female, and that her name would be Kintyra. He forced my hand. I wanted to slay the ignorant bastard right there for his absurd gestures regarding the circumstances. But it was beyond coincidence. He was an avatar for the gods in the flesh, and had more interest in our fate than merely offering his aid it seemed. I had no choice. And he was right. It was time I let Rigmor know exactly what had occurred, and what was to become of her. It could feel myself trembling, she held my hand with a gentle touch as she could sense my undoing emotionally as I pressed on with a weak, yet firm grip on my composure. Rigmor was still uncertain, and insists on the prophecy being nothing more than a tale, as she truly does desire just a simple normal life. I wish I could give her just that. It could feel the chills running down my spine as I questioned with curiosity what she would name her first born baby girl, her answer was Kintyra. Azura watch over her. I fear she is indeed with child."